Page 30 - Wooly Whiners
P. 30

All animals know that when a parent says it is time for bed, it is because they want you to be well rested and alert the next day.
But Whiners would say, It is too early to go to bed or There is something I need to finish and I need to stay up just a little longer. The parents of the Woolly Whiners would let them stay up even though the young Whiners were exhausted the next day.
When a parent bear tells a youngster, Get yourself something to eat or Please clean up after yourself, the young bear would do it.
But the Woolly Whiners complain, It’s not my turn or I’m too busy and would never get around to doing what their parent requested.
Connie concludes her story by explaining that the Woolly Whiners are now extinct in the wild. They only wanted to do things that were easy and fun to do all of the time. They were able to get away with this behavior because of their whining.
Then one of the young crows says, But Connie, I still see these Woolly Whiners in the houses of humans. To which the wise Connie replies, I said that the Woollys were extinct in the wild.
They still can be seen in the houses of the humans. But after all, what animal whines more than a human?

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