Page 32 - Wooly Whiners
P. 32
Children frequently want life to be the way they want it to be rather that the way it is. On this worksheet page, Cosmos uses the example of a child being o ered a serving of chocolate ice cream.
To most of us, that would evoke joy. But the Whiner, because of his S nky Thinking, is not pleased. A er all, Why do I always have to get myself the ice cream and I don’t want chocolate.
This is an exaggerated example of typical whining behavior. In some unfortunate situa ons, an adult will go to the store to get the preferred Strawberry ice cream and serve it to the Whiner, thus insuring this behavior will con nue.
It is easy as an adult to see the poten al bad message such a response would send to the Whiner and that this behavior is encouraging
the whining.
In the ques ons, you want to encourage your child to get out of the habit of saying the rst thing that comes to your mind. The response of, It’s not my turn or I am too busy, is the result of S nky Thinking and is whining.
1. In the story, when a Woolly Whiner is asked to set the table for supper, he says, It’s not my turn. I am too busy. What type of thinking caused that Thumbs Down behavior?
S nky Thinking
2. Whattypeofemo onsdidtheWoollyWhinerhaveinques on number one?
Not OK emo ons