Page 33 - Wooly Whiners
P. 33
Knowing what is wrong is not the same as knowing and doing what
is right. On this page, Cosmos talks about using Good Thinking to change the whining behaviors. He gives examples of how bears deal with di cult and not fun situa ons. You want your child to change the example of S nky (whining) Thinking into Good Thinking. You need to encourage them to iden fy the OK emo ons that would accompany this change in thinking.
1. Give an example of changing S nky Thinking to Good Thinking?
(They can give many example... encourage them to be realistic in their thinking to insure that it is "Good".
2. What type of feelings did you have when you changed S nky
Thinking into Good Thinking?
(They should recognize that they feel be er... less scared or angry, when they use Good Thinking)
Whining probably has some value in our evolu onary history. The children of cavemen that whined got the scrapes and the quite ones got the bones.
For whatever reason, whining is a very common manipula ve behavior of children. As they get older, the whining may get subtle but it is s ll manipula on. It is s ll the result of S nky Thinking and does li le to prepare them to be successful and happy adults.
As such, whining that we tolerate in children can become the passive aggressive behavior of adolescents and adults that will not be tolerated.