Page 14 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 14
I started noticing some behavior that might explain why some of the Anger Bees kept up with this ugly behavior. I did not pay much attention to it at first but as I began to be able to recognize the individual bees (they really don’t all look just alike), I made an interesting discovery.
Some Anger Bees engaged in a behavior I sometimes see in the animal world but more often, I have seen it in the human world. This behavior has the same name in your world as in mine. It is called Bullying.
That is right, some of the Anger Bees bullied the other Anger Bees. The bees doing the bullying would act all mean and threatening and the ones bullied would act scared and ask not to be hurt. The bullying Anger Bees would then act like they were tough and the other Anger Bees would cry.
But then I noticed that the same Anger Bees, who had just been bullied, would then act ugly and bully someone else. This was going on all over the hive and was one reason they were always so angry.
I had experienced just about all the anger I could stand and was about to leave the orchard when I heard a crashing and bashing noise. I knew it could be only one thing ... humans. Humans are the noisiest animals in the world. It is a good thing that humans have stores from which to get their food. Food in the store is about the only food they can sneak up on.