Page 15 - FS-Don't Bee Angry
P. 15
These humans looked very strange. They wore gloves and their faces appeared to be covered with spider webs. They carried cans with smoke coming out of a funnel at the front of it.
They walked right up to the Anger Bee's hive and started putting this smoke into the hive. I was close enough to see that this smoke put the Anger Bees to sleep. Then the humans picked up the Anger Bee hive and placed in a bag. They put the bag in the back of a pick-em-up truck and left.
With the Anger Bees gone, the orchard was very quiet. Then I noticed a bee come out from one of the other hives and begin to make a speech. I could not hear all of it but basically he said that human beekeepers had come and removed the Anger Bee’s hive and that the Anger Bees would never return to the orchard.
Then, as if by magic, other animals started appearing in the orchard. They all had smiles on their faces and were extremely happy. It was obvious to me that they were glad that the Anger Bees were gone and would not return. Then something occurred to me.
Wouldn’t it be sad if your angry behavior is such that others are happy when you were gone?