Page 33 - Whosjobisit
P. 33
The worksheets continue with Cosmos explaining that Howard never expected to have any negative consequences for his behavior. Part of his Stinky Thinking concerned his belief that everything is going to work out fine even though everyone was pointing out the problems caused by his behavior. The problems caused by Howard’s type of thinking can cause some difficulties for a child and if you continue with this Stinky Thinking as you become an adolescent or adult, the consequences are much more severe.
Howard’s efforts to avoid collecting nuts (the barrel hanging from a tree) were more trouble than just doing his job (collecting nuts). This is typical of all humans, children and adults alike.
Howard tells himself, “I don’t have to work hard like the others, I can figure out an easier way” and of course he is wrong.
1. What do you imagine Howard was telling himself when he was working on the, “barrel idea?”
“I don’t have to work hard like the others, I can figure out an easier way.”
2. What do you imagine Howard was telling himself while he ate up the li le bit of food he had stored?
“I will always be able to get more food or others will share with me when mine is gone.”
3. What type of thinking do we see in Questions 1 and 2?
Stinky Thinking.