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 Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|August11th|7:00pm |DigitalConferenceMeeting
Virtual Meeting via Zoom
Present: Henry Grace, President; Eileen Stradley, Secretary; Mike Giroir, Treasurer; Tom Hirschey, Security; Darryl Tate, Board Member; Ken Buturla, Board Member; and Sandy Smith, Board Member.
Absent: Kevin McNicoll, Don Regner, Carrie Driver, JC Collins. Quorum present.
President - Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Henry Grace. Pledged allegiance to the Flag. Introduction of Guest: Larry Horacek, SECPID Chairman, joined our meeting as a guest, as did 5 additional guests. One of them was Becky Boston, a Realtor in Shenandoah. Becky reported that the real estate market in Shenandoah is very good. There has been a lot of turnover of properties this year.
Secretary’s Report –Motion passed unanimously to accept the minutes of the last monthly business meeting as published on the website.
Treasurer’s Report – Mike reported that receipts in June were $2,200.70, most of which consisted of dues collected. Expenses in June were $4914.76, which included $1877.61 for the 2nd Membership Letter that was sent out, and $1,647.15 for the flags that were put out throughout the subdivision. Mike also reported that $4,000 was transferred from the SHA savings account to the SHA Entrance Sign checking account.
Membership Report –Mike reported that 64 residents paid their dues in June for a total of 679 members as of month-end. He noted that 82 additional residents paid their dues as of the date of this meeting for a total YTD membership total of 761, which Mike noted was a good indicator of the success of the mid-year dues letter. He will check to see how many of the ones paid are new members vs. renewals. The Shenandoah Homeowners Association dues remain at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Security Report – Tom reported that we again had 182 patrol hours in June, and we still have 8 deputies. He reported that we have finally finished installing cameras #12 and #13. We only have 7 more to go to cover every entrance to Shenandoah. He noted that SECPID may try to do another camera within the next few months. The next SECPID meeting will be held on July 21, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. This is likely to also be a virtual
meeting via Zoom. If so, Ed will send a meeting invite to all SECPID and SHA members.
Architecture – Ken reported that a homeowner asked about restrictions on fence height. He advised the homeowner that there are no subdivision restrictions, but that there is a city code restricting residential fence height to no higher than 8 feet. He also reported that a blight house on Wilderness had been reported and will go to blight court. He reported that the 4 junk vehicles that had been on site have been removed. Darryl gave Ken a note about a house on Fleetwood that may need to be addressed.
Beautification Report – The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for August is 4953 Antioch Blvd. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website. -
Entrance Sign Committee Report – Sandy reported that the lighting has been wired. The contractor checked out the lights at night and discovered that the cars’ headlights caused the sign lights to turn off because of the daylight sensor. He will try to move the sensor. The permanent lighting for the flag still has to be installed. The shingles are complete, the fascia and soffet have been painted, and the electrical work in the pigeonnaire is almost complete. Sandy reported that the letters that were chosen for the sign cost much more than had been anticipated, $11,500 for them to be installed on both sides, so they haven’t been ordered yet. Henry will check with check with another sign company for a better price. Sandy also reported that, on the advice of our SECPID attorney, the electrical meter for the sign must be registered in the name of and maintained by SHA. A new meter will be installed for this purposed, and SECPID will send SHA a check annually for the electricity used. Larry Horacek suggested we do this as an addendum to the existing Cooperative Endeavor Agreement we have in place. Tom proposed that we add an addendum to our CEA to address electrical usage payment. Darryl seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
Newswatch/Website – Ed reported that there are 1200 members signed up for e-mail blasts, and he will add the members who just joined. He noted that the form for e-blasts is on the website, and it is very easy to sign up. He reported that he added more pages of information to the Newswatch and all editions from 2018 to now are available on the website. He noted that the page on the website with the newsletter had 2300 hits in June.
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