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Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|August11th|7:00pm |DigitalConferenceMeeting
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The August issue will definitely be digital, and will be digital for an unknown period of time. Ed proposed sending a survey to all of his previous advertisers to see if they would be interested in placing advertisements in the digital version of the Newswatch for a nominal charge. The Executive Committee will meet to discuss extending compensation payments to Ed for the rest of the months that the Newswatch is digital.
New Business
SECPID – Larry Horacek announced that Fred Godwin, who is currently the SECPID Treasurer, will be resigning his SECPID commission effective August 1. Darryl Tate has been working with Fred and Larry, and he will be stepping into the role of Treasurer. Larry reported that a resident of Shenandoah, Greg Player, has expressed an interest in applying for the vacant position.
Annual Meeting – The annual meeting is always scheduled for the third Monday in September. We will need to discuss how that’s going to happen if we can’t meet in person for the election of Board Members. Five board members’ terms will expire
in September. Henry will look into appointing a nominating committee.
Website Ownership – Henry suggested that the website ownership needs to be discussed. He said that Jack Austin, who originally set up the “shawebwatch” website, registered it in his name and has been maintaining the registration ever since. With gratitude to Jack for having done a wonderful job, but in the interest of smooth succession in the future, Ed proposed that we have discussion with Jack about transferring ownership to the SHA under the name president@ Henry will get that taken care of over the next few weeks.
The next monthly business meeting of the Shenandoah Homeowners Association Ltd. will be on Tuesday, August 11, 2020 at 7:00 p.m. Location to be determined.
Meeting adjourned at 8:18 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Eileen Stradley – Secretary
Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 8