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Markyourcalendars:SHABoardMeeting|August11th|7:00pm |DigitalConferenceMeeting
10% discount through August 30, 2020
at $30 per year. Please send in your dues, or you can pay them via PayPal on the website. (
Security Report – Tom had not received patrol stats yet, but they will be published in the Newswatch. He did report that patrols will be increased an additional 15 hours in November and December. Tom showed the Board pictures published in the Newswatch taken from the cameras at the Shenandoah Elementary School. These cameras take constant video, not just still pictures, and the quality is excellent. Tom also reported that the new radar gun has been tested and used. It is working well. He stated that Lt. Karen Moss clocked someone going 60 mph on Confederate; they received tickets for speeding and careless operation. We are still looking at new camera sites for 2020. We will definitely put up 2 new cameras with the possibility of a third. Tom said that he appreciated all of the help and support he had in organizing the National Day Out Against Crime; however, the low turnout was disappointing. This event may be changed for next year. The next SECPID meeting will be held November 19, at 6:30 p.m. at the Jones Creek Library.
Beautification Report –Kevin - The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for December is 4923 Antioch. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website. Kevin reported that he bought a lot of new Christmas decorations for the sign at the Antioch entrance. He asked for volunteers to help decorate the sign. He also reported some wind damage to one of the flags or flagpoles on that sign. It will be taken care of.
Architecture Report-Ken sent in his report through Tom. Ken received a report concerning a large shrub obstructing the view of an intersecting
Ed & Shirley Craig
Shenandoah Homeowners Association Page 9