Page 6 - January Newswatch
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 Mark your calendars: SHA Board Meeting | January 7th | 7:00pm | Jones Creek Library
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reported that we are on track for 2 new camera locations in 2020, and possibly a third. The 2 definite locations will be Shenandoah Ave at Vicksburg and Vicksburg at the edge of Green Trails Subdivision. The next SECPID meeting will be held on January 21, 2020 at 6:30 p.m. This meeting should be held at the Jones Creek Library, unless it becomes inaccessible due to construction. The two new SECPIC Commissioners elected by the SHA Board, Darryl Tate and Beth Scardina, will be sworn in at this meeting.
Beautification Report –Kevin - The “YARD OF THE MONTH” in Shenandoah Estates for January is 5235 Stones River. They will receive a $25 gift certificate from Cleggs Nursery. Congratulations! Residents are reminded that they can nominate yards for “Yard of the Month” on the website.
Newswatch/Website Report – Ed reported that the switch to a new printer was a good decision. The Newswatch was sent out on time, and it looks great. Ed noted that he went 1⁄2 page into SHA’s space in the December newsletter for ads, but he will make it up in the January issue. Ed suggested we create a Shenandoah Cookbook by having residents send Ed recipes. We would pick a “Recipe of the Month” to be published in the Newswatch, then create the cookbook at the end of the year to sell for the SHA. He also would like to add a Shenandoah Bulletin Board to print in the Newswatch to include babysitting, lawn care, items for sale, etc. He also noted
that he changed the flag in the header of the main website page so that it looks like it is waving. Ed reminded the board that the website is owned by SHA, and he needs lots of participation to provide content. He also reported that November had some of the largest activity received by month in 2019 with 2734 individual visits, and December is on track to exceed 3,000. The second-most accessed page was the membership page. The deadline for articles for the January Newswatch will be December 18.
Entrance Sign Committee Report – Don reported that our liability insurance coverage would not be affected by the Hold Harmless clause in the AT&T letter allowing us to build on their servitude, and he delivered the letter to the contractor. This will allow us to get the permit to build the sign. We should have the permit by the end of this week. The permit will be good for 6 months, so the sign needs to be completed by then. The contract with the contractor will state that he will have it complete within 90 days of his start date. Don discussed the draw schedule for payment with the contractor, and the contract should be signed soon. Don reported that he will have the north wall washed in a few weeks, and he will get a price on painting it to freshen it up for now. The final plans for this wall have not been decided yet.
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  10% discount through JANUARY 31, 2020
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