Page 4 - Injustice Collector
P. 4

Hi, my name is Cosmos Crow. I will be your guide throughout this little story. You will be visiting in the little town of Squirrelmania. Except for a few cool guys like me, this town is nothing but squirrels. I mean real squirrels, with fuzzy tails and eating nuts and stuff like that.
Now, the reason that this town might be of interest to you is that these squirrels have the curious (and a bit magical) habit of collecting injustices.
Now, I know that you are not from here but you may already know about “injustices.” That is when someone is mean to you or ignores you. Or maybe you make a bad grade on a test even though you studied. Maybe your parents insist on watching some old dopey show on TV and you don’t get to watch your show. Maybe someone calls you a name or makes fun of you.
Sometimes it may just be something you imagine or suspect, like when someone looks at you funny or chooses you last for a game of ball. These are examples of what we make into “injustices.”
Now, what makes it magical is that in Squirrelmania when you think you have suffered an injustice, it becomes yours in a crystal sphere. This sphere looks like a clear glass ball. Inside of the sphere is the injustice you just suffered.

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