Page 156 - Livro_Inglês
P. 156

José Paulo –  Ideal Decision                                                   José Paulo –  Ideal Decision

            I take this opportunity to thank you for all the guidance and                   JP is a sensational person, unique in his professional career and
          results you brought to my life. I am thankful to God and to you,                               an example of a citizen, father, person in general.
          especially, for having you as a friend, I consider you my brother.                Your leadership has the noblest essence of a great leader, to

            Júnior Cezar Franco Pereira — partner and vice president of  the Ideal       inspire people. It is not his words that do this, but his attitudes, he
                                                            Trends Group                 does not speak of things he has read or heard of, his actions show
                                                                                         the way to success. The phrase that defines JP is his life slogan: “To
                                                                                         have the best, do your best”.
            José Paulo has an unmatched energy; his focus and business
          view are admirable. He has a unique skill to identify talent and                                        Moraes — director of  the Ideal Trends Group
          to connect it to a big dream. I am much thankful to him for who
          I am today, professionally, and personally, and I still learn from                He said: “To those who believe in this project, and dedicate
          him every day.                                                                 themselves, this will be the last company of their lives!” And so, he
               Caio Chimera — partner and vice president of  the Ideal Trends Group      made me his partner.

                                                                                                  Débora Torate — partner and director of  the Ideal Trends Group

            Living with José Paulo is a true journey of knowledge and wis-
          dom. It is like he could “transfer” the overview of the best parts of             Just like a cutter, José Paulo has the incredible ability to trans-
          three books to us in a fifteen-minute talk. The way he connects and            form a raw mineral into a diamond, applying the exact pressure to
          directs people to reach their maximum potential is fascinating!                shape and bring out the best in each professional.
            I am grateful for all the knowledge he shares and especially for                  Karina Nascimento — partner and director of  the Ideal Trends Group
          start dreaming again. I am one of the people who were touched
          and could give new meaning to life.

                Carlos Aono — partner and vice president of  the Ideal Trends Group         I met José Paulo though his wife, whom I met through health
                                                                                         insurance and liked the treatment. In one of the many conversa-
                                                                                         tions we had, I told her about my desire to grow and about my
            Paulo is the type of person who came into my life to guide me                dreams. At the time she was working in digital marketing and told
          and show me a more dignified way of walking, in my personal and                me that she would send a consultant, which I did not even suspect
          professional life, a great Mentor who expands our vision of what is            was her husband, and who also wanted to undergo an evaluation.
          possible to achieve in life.
                                                                                            And it was on September 16th, when my patient gave me perhaps
            Rita Kuster — director of franchising of the Ideal Trends Group              the biggest change of my life. Who would have thought that a sim-
                                                                                         ple conversation between a dentist and his patient would turn into

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