Page 19 - NEB Layout 2015_SQR8.indd
P. 19

Project: The Torch Tower                  The Torch Tower                                                                        Project: Sulafa Tower
Location:Dubai Marina, Marsa Dubai                                                                        Sulafa Tower           Location:Dubai Marina, Marsa Dubai
No. of floors. :4B+G+4P+HC+2S+84                                                                                                  No. of floors. :4B+G+4P+66
Typical                                                                                                                          2S+2PH+1HC
Function: Residential/ Commercial                                                                                                Function: Residential/ Commercial
TBUA: 1,458,241 ft²                                                                                                              TBUA:1,431,600 ft²
Project Management
                                          The Torch occupies an enviable posi-        The Sulafa Tower is a 76 storey resi-
     **** ONE OF DUBAI MARINAS TOP THREE  tion at the mouth of Dubai Marina. The      dential high-rise tower with a gor-
    RESIDENTIAL TOWERS FOR RENTAL DEMAND  92 storey residential tower boasts stun-    geous view across the Arabian Gulf
                                          ning views of the Marina itself and out     to the Palm Jumeirah Island. Offering
                                          towards The Gulf and the PalmJumei-         the cool sea breeze and an upscale,
                                          rah.                                        cosmopolitan ambience and luxurious
                                          The Torch’s 676 apartments have been        accommodations the Sulafa Tower will
                                          designed with space, light and style in     provide a new life-style.
                                          mind. The 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart-         In addition to the ground floor, the sky-
                                          ments offer modern living and private       scraper will have four basement, four
                                          balcony space, to compliment the            floors for parking and 76 storeys for
                                          views. Owners also have access to a         residential use, the latter including two
                                          list of excellent facilities.               penthouses and one floor for a health
                                          The four basements and four podium          club. The total built-up area will be
                                          levels of the Torch tower will provide car  133,000 m², of which 26,000 m² will
                                          parking for 536 vehicles, while floors 5     be for parking. commissioning. The
                                          and 6 will contain recreational ameni-      285-meter Sulafa Tower stands tall like
                                          ties including a swimming pool, health      a palm tree in an oasis, reaching the
                                          club, gymnasium, cafeteria, aerobic         sky and bringing rest and refreshment
                                          rooms and sit-out cover seal terraces.      to those it shelters.
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