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2                                                                                                                               VOLUME 5 NO. 3    SEPTEMBER 2018

            A POLICY...FROM PAGE 1                      RTDs where designated as Regional Directors and had  regional operations clarifies not only the level or rank
                                                        to report to their respective bureau Directors in the  distinction of different Regional Directors, but also
                 hen Executive Order (EO) 192 was issued   central office and not anymore to DENR REDs. This set  their command responsibilities and accountabilities in
                 on June 10, 1987, the newly established   up was formalized even by the implementation of DENR  carrying out their tasks and functions. The DAO 2018-
         Wgovernment of the late President Corazon      Rationalization Plan when it uniformed all Directors  18 simply shows that the REDs are the highest authority
        C. Aquino was faced in addressing two major crisis that   in the Regions (whether RTDs or REDs) as Regional  in the regions.
        were hurting the country: one was the energy crisis that   Directors, creating an impression that all Directors are
        took toll in 1979 and the other was the environmental   of the same level, and MGB and EMB RDs are in charge   “The DENR is the umbrella organization and under it
        degradation and destruction that left most of the country’s   of their own regional operations.    are bureaus. Whether staff or line bureaus, the bureau
        forests  and mountains denuded. Executive Order 131                                            RDs should be under the command of DENR Regional
        was signed to address these  problems, establishing   On  August  15,  2018,  the  DENR  Administrative  Executive Directors,” said MGB Assistant Director
        the Department of Energy, Environment, and Natural  Order (DAO) 2018-18 was issued, bringing back the  Uykieng.
        Resources  (DEENR).  However, the  implementation  of  supervision of MGB and EMB regional operations to   “The EMB and MGB RDs hold Director II job position
        the EO was cut short, as it was amended by EO 192,  DENR Regional Executive Directors.         just like the PENROs, while the DENR REDs hold
        reorganizing DEENR and renaming it as DENR or the               DAO 2018-18                    Director IV  job position. The DENR REDs  are really
        Department of Environment and Natural Resources.                                               higher in rank than Bureau RDs,” said Undersecretary
        The authority to govern energy matters was vested in the   Provides centralized and balanced management of   Leones.
        Office of the President for serious attention, while the       regional operations
        equal attention to protect and manage the environment   DAO 2018-18 restored the centralized management and   According to USec Leones, Secretary Roy Cimatu wants
        and natural resources were retained in the Department.    coordination of all bureau regional operations. Whether   to  maintain  such hierarchical  management  structure
         Executive Order 192 decentralized the DENR with six   they are forestry, biodiversity, lands, environmental,   for greater command responsibility and accountability.
                                                                                                       No Regional Executive Director, PENRO, or CENRO,
        staff bureaus: Forest Management Bureau (FMB), Lands   or mining issues and problems, it is the DENR REDs   now, can refuse blame or accountability for any wrong
        Management Bureau (LMB), Ecosystems Research and   who would provide the overall command concerning   decisions or actions made in the regions because the
        Development Bureau (ERDB), Protected Areas and   them. Issues  and  problems  emanating  from  these  five   DAO explicitly and specifically details their roles,
        Wildlife Bureau (PAWB)  now Biodiversity Management   environmental sectors would again be weighed for   responsibilities, and functions in relation to mining and
        Bureau (BMB), Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB),   check and balance and the more practical hierarchical         the environment.
        and Environmental Management Bureau (EMB). Each   arrangement among Regional
        Staff Bureau, except for the ERDB, has one Regional   Directors would make it easy  "The Secretary wants strong collaboration   Enables effective enforcement of
        Technical  Director  (RTD)  assigned  in  every  DENR   for the  DENR Secretary to   in the Regions. Aside from having   environmental laws in the regions
        regional office in the country. All RTDs report to the   implement programs and                                    Before, the MGB and EMB
        Regional Executive Director (RED) of the DENR   enforce laws effectively in the   MGB and EMB at the core of Regional   police their own sectors in the
        regional office, where they were assigned.      regions.                      operations, he also wants the two   regions. Through the DAO, the
         However, in the late 1990s, according to MGB Acting   Strengthens coordination of   to operate down at the PENRO   DENR REDs, ARD for Technical,
        Assistant Director Danilo Uykieng, there came a need   DENR with MGB and EMB at      and CENRO level.”            PENROs, and CENROs were
        for the mining industry to support the continued     the regional level                                           given powers to police the mining
        economic development in the country. Republic Act   When MGB and EMB              - Usec. Jonas R. Leones         and environment sectors. They
        (RA) 7942 or the Philippine Mining Act, and RA 8749 or  became line bureaus, MGB                                  were given the authority to issue
        the Philippine Clean Air Act, were enacted in 1995 and  and EMB Regional Directors report to their respective     orders to remedy any practices
        1999, respectively, and transformed the two staff bureaus  National  Directors  for  final  decisions.  Now  that  DAO   that are not in accordance with the laws, to suspend
        of DENR, the MGB and EMB into line bureaus. It was  2018-18 is enforced mining and environment problems   operations that are life threatening, to arrest offenders
        entrusted to MGB to support and sustain the continued  and issues in the regions can be resolved immediately   and seize illegally-sourced products, tools, equipment,
        industrialization in the country by specializing and  because the MGB RDs and EMB RDs can act through   and conveyance used in the commission of anything
        hastening the acceleration of raw minerals and mineral  the supervision of the REDs without needing to get the   illegal in mining and the environment.
        supply. On the other hand, the increasing air and water  approval of their respective Bureau Directors.   The DENR REDs, PENROs and CENROs are provisioned
        pollution caused by industrialization, led the government                                      to be members and participate in the committees under
        to turn EMB’s focus more on its own sector to effectively   Strengthens coordination of DENR with MGB and EMB   environmental laws, rules, and regulations. DENR REDs
        address pollution problems.                             at the lowest level of field operations  are required by law to participate proactively as member
         The MGB and EMB remained part of DENR, but      The DAO also strengthens the coordination of DENR  of the Mine Rehabilitation Fund Committee (MRFC)
        both, in some sense, became autonomous in terms of   with MGB and EMB at the provincial and community  and Multipartite Monitoring Team (MMT), while the
        implementing policies and enforcing laws. Their former   level.  Before, the PENROs and CENROs have no  PENROs and CENROs are required to participate
                                                        jurisdiction over mining and environment problems.  effectively in the MMT of MRFC. Membership and
                                                        They handle staff bureau concerns such as those related  participation in these committee and team would help
                                                        to forestry, biodiversity and lands. With the issuance  ensure compliance of companies in relation to mining
                                                        of DAO 2018-18, the PENROs and CENROs, under  requirements and regulations.
                                                        the supervision of REDs, act as field commanders in
                                                                                                        The DAO also specifies the powers and responsibilities
                                                        their respective area of jurisdiction (provinces and   of the REDs, PENROs, and CENROs in relation to
                         Official Newsletter of the     communities) and are deputized to enforce mining and   enforcing PD 1586 or Establishing an Environmental
              DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES  environmental laws and provide additional manpower
                       Vol. 5 No. 3  SEPTEMBER 2018     and technical support at the MGB and EMB Regional   Impact Statement System Including other Environmental
             A publication of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources   Offices.           Management Related Measures and for other Purposes,
             through the Strategic Communication and Initiatives Service with office                   RA 9275 or the Philippine Clean Water Act of 2004, RA
             address at DENR Building, Visayas Avenue, Diliman, 1101, Quezon City  “The Secretary wants to strengthen the coordination  8749 or the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999, and RA
                      EDITORIAL STAFF                   of DENR with EMB and MGB at the lowest level of  9003 or the Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of
                                                        field operations. EMB and MGB have regional offices,  2000.
                        Usec. Benny D. Antiporda        but they have none in the provinces and communities,
                             Adviser                                                                        Strengthens unity of command and command
                         Hiro V. Masuda, DBA            where the actual mining and environment problems                 responsibility
                           Editor-in-Chief              exist. Ang problema kasi ng environment at ng mining ay
                        Maria Matilda A. Gaddi          nasa level ng CENRO and PENRO, so can you imagine   To operationalize unity of command and effectively
                           Managing Editor              why we are having problems on law enforcement. For  carry out command responsibility, the DAO gives the
                          Alvin D. Gatbonton            example in Region 3, if the problem is in Bataan, but the  REDs the authority to recommend jointly with the MGB
                           Associate Editor             Regional Office is in Pampanga, how can the problem  and EMB Directors to the Secretary the following: a)
                          Adona P. San Diego            be immediately addressed? But now that we have  reassignment/recall/designation of EMB and MGB RDs;
                        Martina R. Constantino
                           Fatima R. Leya               PENROs  and  CENROs  who  can  monitor  and  enforce  b) appointment of EMB and MGB RDs, and c) filing of
                             Writers                    mining and environmental laws, problems can be easily  administrative complaints against EMB and MGB RDs.
                          Andrea Ana Sarian             solved. The Secretary wants strong collaboration in the
                        Lay-out and Graphic Editor      Regions. Aside from having MGB and EMB at the core   With such mechanism the REDs have the leverage of
                        Eduard Dominic D. Ocado         of Regional operations, he also wants the two to operate   maintaining or putting in place the right, most bright
                         Marjun N. Jumao-as                                                            and skillful, or most effective EMB and MGB RDs he can
                         Jasper L. Lumagbas /           down at the PENRO and CENRO level,” Undersecretary
                         Rhoderic M. Los Bañez                                                         best work with. It also gives the REDs a leeway to get
                        Photographers/Infographics      Jonas R. Leones explained.                     away or get rid of inefficient, ineffective, and/or corrupt
                          Melvin B. Soriano                        Enables greater accountability      EMB and MGB RDs. (Alvin D. Gatbonton)
                        Distribution and Circulation
                                                         Defining the hierarchical management structure for
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