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                             INITIATING REFORMS, FORGING ALLIANCES

                                        FOR BETTER LAND GOVERNANCE

                                                                          by:  Fatima R. Leya
               he recent completion of the    “In the past, our approach to land
               century old National Cadastral   management has been fragmented,
          TSurvey and the implementation of   with several agencies going in di  erent
        the Land Administration and Management   directions” says Undersecretary Ernesto
        Systems (LAMS) are remarkable reforms   Adobo, Jr., who was tasked by Secretary
        that address the long time, deep-seated   Roy Cimatu to handle the Improved
        problems in land governance in the   Land Administration and Management
        country.                            Program, one of the ten priority programs
                                            of DENR.
            e   cadastral  survey  and  the
        establishment of a standard computer-  Such  fragmented  approach  bore
        based land records management of LAMS   issues that undermine the integrity of
        serve not only as an accurate system of   the  country’s  land administration and
        national base land information and quick   management system.  One way to correct
        process of land transactions, updating   this approach is to encourage agencies and
        of land records, and tracking of land   other stakeholders to work together and   x
        applications, but also preventive measures   the loopholes for better land governance.
        to safeguard land management from illicit
        land processing practices and fraudulent      e DENR, fully aware of the dispersed
        land transactions.                  land administration functions among
                                            government agencies, will adopt a
                                                                                             Undersecretaries Atty. Ernesto D. Adobo Jr. and Atty. Analiza Rebuelta-Teh, with
          However, remarkable as they are, such   coherent and consistent set of land   LMB Director Atty. Emelyne V. Talabis unveil the pledge board of the Declaration of Commitment and Support during the
        reforms are not enough to sustain ideal   policies and laws, stipulated in the Land                  National Land Summit
        land governance in the country.     e   Administration Reform Act (LARA).     e
        complexities in land management are also   LARA bill  aims  to   x the  institutional   the need to conduct an on-the-ground   constitutional right and dignity to live a
        brought about by ine   cient and ine  ective   and structural de  ciencies that land   validation  of  the  potential  and  workable   better future," he said.
        coordination among land administration   administration in the country currently   lots for titling.    is will be done through
        institutions that causes overlapping,   have.  By designating a lone agency to do   the Rapid Land Tenure Appraisal   Around 500 participants of the summit
        inconsistencies, and inaccuracies in land   the full land administration functions;   (RLTA), which involves tapping the local   pledged to support DENR’s undertakings
        surveys and records.                high cost transactions, low investment,   knowledge to assess land tenure situation   in land reforms. An act that Secretary Roy
                                            and gra   and corruption, and other   on the ground.                   Cimatu considers, “a priceless gi   and a
          Such predicament also a  ects land   associated impact of poor administration                            con  rmation of willingness to be part of
        titling  and  land  distribution  process  of   services can be addressed.      e conduct of the RLTA will be   the reform process.”    e LMB and the
        the government, placing land governance                                undertaken in partnership with the   participants committed to sustain the
        as a matter of national concern – serious   Once the bill is approved, all land   local government units (LGUs) which   developments that have transpired and
        enough to make it as one of the 10-point   administrative power and functions   also do land titling activities within   initiated, which include adoption of best
        Socio-Economic Agenda of the President.   will  be  streamlined  in  one  government   their jurisdiction. To also aid in the   practices and improvement of public-
                                            agency.     is will ease delivery of land   conduct of RLTA, the DENR has issued a   private partnership among stakeholders.
          President Duterte’s Six-Point Agenda,   administration services  and rid of   memorandum directing regional o   ces to      ey vowed to work jointly in identifying
        “Ensure  security  of  land  tenure  to   unnecessary costs on the part of agencies   provide LGUs with the approved cadastral   and addressing emerging issues in the
        encourage investments, and address   and clients.                      maps.    e use of a uniform cadastral map   land sector, and serve as information
        bottlenecks in land management and                                     in LGUs will be the basis for the issuance of   conduits to people on matters concerning
        titling agencies,” is a necessary precursor   Reforms would also be carried  out  on   land patents to claimants or land owners.   the land sector.
        to actualize the “AmBisyon Natin 2040,” a   land information and management.  A
        collective vision of Filipinos that sees the   multi-purpose cadastre will be adopted to   Forging alliances and building networks   In relation to the   re that gutted the
        Philippines prosperous and predominantly   support readily available comprehensive                         LMB Building in Binondo, Manila,
        middle class society by 2040.       land-related information at the parcel      e DENR recognizes the valuable inputs   more  than  two  months  ago,  the
                                            level.  Likewise, the DENR will utilize   of  other  sectors  in  land  administration   Land  Management  Bureau  assures
          To attain this vision, the government   the  one  control  map,  an  integrated  map   and management. In facilitating reforms,   the public that all land records are
        has to triple real per capita income and   of the country’s environment and natural   the agency solicits the essential support   intact. It has backup   les in the DENR
        eradicate hunger and poverty by 2040.    resources  that  will  aid  in  evidence-  of stakeholders and partners.  It forges   Regional O   ces, and it will continue
        Ensuring security of land tenure plays a   based planning and decision making in   alliances and builds networks to collectively   to process land related inquiries
        crucial role in achieving this objective.    environmental governance.  address bottlenecks in land management.    and transactions at its temporary
        Distribution of lands to poor landless                                                                     o   ce  at  the  3rd   oor, New Mines
        farmers, peasants,   shermen, and local   By next year, 2019, the DENR Land   On January 16-17, 2018, LMB organized   and Geosciences  Bureau  Building,
        communities in the country could    Management Bureau (LMB) will fast track   and  conducted  the    rst  summit  on land   MGB Compound, North Avenue,
        enhance agricultural,   shery, and forestry   the issuance of residential patents through   administration and management held at   Diliman, Quezon City.
        production, boosting local and national   the  Accelerated Land  Titling Program.    the  Manila  Hotel.     e summit laid  bare
        economy of the country.             LMB will intensify the implementation   the status of land management in the   C  CENROS...FROM PAGE 4
                                            of  Rapid  Land  Tenure  Appraisal,  a   country. It convened di  erent stakeholders
             e DENR, as the main agency     procedure that will determine the number   in a two-day discussion to identify issues,   According to him, a good leader
        responsible for the management of land   of lots suitable for titling; and adopt the   formulate reforms, and think of strategies   would make subordinates follow, and a
        resources  in  the  country,  leads  other   systematic adjudication approach to   to adopt to improve land governance in   conducive work environment could help
        agencies and government institutions   simplify, streamline and fast track titling of   the country. Land ownership, public land   increase productivity. He also stressed
        towards  the  direction  of  national  land   alienable and disposable lands.  management, land tenure, socio-economic   the bene  t of acknowledging one’s good
        reform.     rough its Improved Land                                    agenda, innovation, and land information   work; it boosts morale and motivates
        Administration   and    Management      Strengthening land records in   management and security were among   e   cient and e  ective work.
        Program, a comprehensive land tenure              eld o   ces          those deeply discussed.               For his   nal message, he said, “I wouldn’t
        reform would be carried out to fast track                                                                  forget  my  experiences  in  the  academy,
        the processing and issuance of titles over   In order to deliver LMB’s target of 390,   Cabinet Secretary Leoncio Evasco made  aside from the important lessons that I
        alienable and disposable lands.     000 patents for residential areas from 2017   emphasis on land ownership. He stressed  have learned, I was promoted to full time
                                            to 2022, the bureau will have to strengthen   the right to property as among the basic  CENRO of Masinloc, Zambales, while
           Fixing institutional and structural   existing land records in the DENR   eld   human rights, alongside life and liberty.  taking the course.”
                    de  ciencies            o   ces. Currently, discrepancies in land   “Depriving people of their property
                                            records are evident in the   eld hence   rights also means depriving them of their

   VOLUME 5 NO. 2    JUNE 2018
    VOLUME 5 NO. 2    JUNE 2018
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