Page 5 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
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This e-book from the Gospel Bookroom of the Philippines, Inc. is pub-
lished as a compilation of the eight messages given by brothers Ron Kangas,
Albert Lim, and Mark Raabe during the Perfecting Training for Elders and
Responsible Ones held January 17-19, 2020, in Malabon City, Philippines.
The training was attended by about one thousand five hundred elders and
responsible ones across the Philippines.
The general subject of these messages is The Christian Life and the Church
Life under the Government of God. The emphasis is on God’s system
of government and living our Christian life and church life under His
government. To live under His government is to live in the kingdom of God,
a realm of life and love, and to be subject to His authority. This issues in
God’s building and the recovery of the church as the Israel of God, fulfilling
God’s desire to have a group of people who would corporately represent Him,
exercise His authority, and carry out His administration for the fulfillment of
His purpose.
We pray that these messages will be a benefit to readers everywhere, to bring
us all into a right relationship with Christ the Head, and the church, His body.