Page 54 - The Christian Life and the Church Life_Government of God
P. 54
Living under the Direct Rule of God 53
It is not that easy because the way it is communicated to us is by the sense
of life. Sometimes I ask the Lord, “Lord, couldn’t you just speak to me in
plain words? Speak out of the heavens or something.” But the Lord does
not do this. Even the way He speaks to us inwardly is not in words like I am
speaking to you. I can communicate with you in a very direct way when I
speak to you. But what the Lord within us does is that the divine life gives
us a sense and we have to actually interpret that sense to know what exactly
it means and we make a lot of mistakes. At least I do. This is our learning to
live under the direct rule of God. The human life has senses. We talk about
the five senses. You may touch something that is hot. For instance, you may
put your hand on a stove, then right away you have to remove your hands.
You have the sense that it is hot. The human life has a sense. The divine life
has a sense too.
The Divine Life Being the Highest Life, with the Richest, Strongest, and
Keenest Feeling; This Feeling Being the Sense of Life.
The divine life is the highest life, with the richest, strongest, and keenest
feeling (Eph. 4:18); this feeling is the sense of life.
The Sense of Life Making Us Know Whether We Are Living
in the Natural Life or in the Divine Life, Whether We Are Living in the
Flesh or in the Spirit
The sense of life makes us know whether we are living in the natural life
or in the divine life, whether we are living in the flesh or in the Spirit (Rom.
8:6). This is also where we have our difficulty. Because we do not know
the sense of life well, because we have not lived that much under the direct
rule of God, sometimes we misinterpret. Actually, we are in the flesh but we
think we are in the spirit. Actually, we are in the natural life but we think we
are not. The older you get, the easier it is to misinterpret. It is a danger. The
purpose of the sense of life is different from the conscience. The purpose of
the conscience is to tell us right from wrong while the purpose of the sense of
life is to tell us how we live. Are we living in the flesh or in the spirit? Are we
in our natural life or in the divine life?
The Sense of Life Guiding, Governing, Controlling, and Directing Us
The sense of life guides, governs, controls, and directs us (v. 4).