Page 2 - happiness
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Attract Happiness
As di cult as it is to pin what happiness means into a single woven de nition, the
di culty declines with each person’s life experience. Generally, however, happiness as a
phenomenon can be concisely said to be a feeling of well-being manifested by emotions
stretching from satisfaction to profound joy. Simply put, this subject is a varied emotion
experienced when in a state of well-being.
The state of complete happiness is an immense cloud in which everyone in life wishes to
y. It is an ocean in which we don’t mind giving our all to dive in. What we humans, in
our entirety, crave for is to be happy in and with whatever endeavors we nd ourselves in.
Happiness is much needed to keep a peaceful home, family, and primarily, to maintain a
habitable universe for all.
One beautiful thing about happiness as a very rampant subject is that it spreads. It cannot
be hidden. Once a person has it, the expression of it is revealing and extends across all
that such an individual participates in. Its presence alone craves an aura of love and
acceptability around whoever welcomes it.
The most unfortunate thing, however, is that not everyone has or experiences happiness.
The only condition to having satisfaction or the joy within is attracting it. Happiness is a
state of mind that must be drawn before its abiding presence can be commanded. Every
individual has the responsibility of nding the ‘gravitomagnetic’ force that will help
attract and invite the emotion of satisfaction into their lives. The happier we are, the
more we crave to have more, and more, and thereon we keep longing for more of it. It is
impossible to grow tired of happiness. We all cannot have enough with it.