Page 153 - Final Project - Flipbook IMMD B class
P. 153

Activity 3

                                          Individual Work

           Ask your 5 classmates about:                                     Example

               1. What did you do

                 yesterday?                                        Name                        Answer

              2. Where did you do it?
                                                                                   He sent a cake for his
              3. With whom did you do it?                                          grandma.
                                                                     Alif          He went to his grandma's
              4. How was your feeling?                                             house with his parent.

           Write the answer in your                                                He felt very happy.


           Beside is the example of how                              etc.

           you will write the answer.

                          Activity 4

                                                  VIDEO PROJECT

                           Choose another pair, make a video conversation

                        about "what did you do?". The duration is maximum

                          5 minutes. Each students should make 5 sentences

                        as minimum. Upload it on YouTube and share the link

                                                 on WhatsApp Group!
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