Page 162 - Final Project - Flipbook IMMD B class
P. 162

Read the explanation below!

         G R A M M A R

           R E V I E W

                                                       WHAT IS SIMPLE
                                                         PAST TENSE?

       The use

                                                                Subject+V2+Complement + AoT
         Simple  past  is  a  tense

         sentence             used           to                               Example :
                                                                    Rusdi went to Bali Yesterday.
         describe  situations  that                        Laila climbed to Bromo mountain last month.

         occurred            and        have                Samsul swam to Kenjeran beach last week.

         ended in the past.

                                                              Subject + did + not + v1 + AoT

               WAS or WERE?                                                   Example :

                                                               Rusdi didn’t go to the Bali yesterday.
               I                                         Laila didn't climb to Bromo mountain last month.
                                     W A S               Samsul didn't swim to Kenjeran beach last week.


               It                                                Did + subject + v1 + AoT +?

                                                                             Example :
                You                 W E R E                     Did Rusdi go to the bali yesterday?

               They                                      Did Laila climb to Bromo mountain last month?
                                                         Did Samsul swim to Kenjeran beach last week?


                                                               Example the use of was or were

                                                             I was having fun at the beach.
                     REMEMBER :
                                                             We were at the Zoo last week.
            AOT OR ADVERB OF TIME :
              YESTERDAY, LAST TWO                            She was not at the park.
             DAYS. LAST WEEK, TWO
                  DAYS AGO. ETC.

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