Page 30 - Bulletin Vol 27 No 1 - Jan. - April 2022 FINAL
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NCDS | Classifieds continued
Looking for a General Dentist
Looking for a Specialist to Rent Office Space:
We are a fast-growing fee for service General Brand new 4 operatory office, with space
Dental Office looking for an outstanding, available weekdays and weekends. Let’s grow
self-driven dentist who will bring energy and together. Digital X-rays and PAN. Easy access to
skill to our team! Someone who enjoys highways with parking. To further discuss this
practicing dentistry in a state of the art newly opportunity please call (516) 592-1555
renovated facility that is heavily involved in 3D
dentistry, Digital Smile Design, Itero scanning,
Cerec Primescan, Primemill, Cone Beam, Looking for an Endodontist for a Modern-
Digital Radiography, Photography, and much Group Practice Dental Center in Lindenhurst,
more! Applying candidates must be motivated, NY
have a growth mindset, be a great 0ne 8-hour session/week (3 sessions/month).
communicator, 5 Star-Ritz Carlton service Must carry own malpractice for Suffolk County.
provider and committed to continuing Compensation: $175/hr.
education to advance their skill set. Minimum Please contact: Dr. David Lieberman,
of 5 years’ experience to be considered or a Email:
mentorship program for the right individual with Address: 656 North Wellwood Avenue, Suite
less experience that wants to practice at the 200, Lindenhurst, New York 11757
highest level in the future. Our continuous Telephone: 631-225-1010
growth and success in the Long Island area
has created an exciting opportunity for a
General Dentist to join our group practice of Space for Rent - Jericho, NY
highly qualified professionals. See more about Ideal for specialist or retiring dentist looking to
us at: reduce overhead costs. New office in Nassau
Please reply with your CV and cover letter County, great parking, close to highways and
explaining your future goals as a dental shopping. Digital X-rays and PAN on premise.
professional. Contact: Dr. James Woltmann To further discuss this opportunity please call
DMD Email: (516) 592-1555
We are looking for a General Dentist for a part
time position in our Syosset office.
Every Wednesday 11am-7pm and one-two
Saturdays per month. At least one year of
experience. Looking for a motivated,
dependable, and enthusiastic individual. Email
resume to
30 | Nassau County Dental Society ⬧