Page 31 - Desert Oracle February 2022
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be reached by calling 888-677-1199 or by                  Once completed, all claims for B&B payment must
        emailing .                  be faxed to the Regional Payment Center.

        The call also featured information about the Low-         Questions concerning this process can be directed
        Income Home Energy Assistance Program                     to your local VA Office of Community Care or
        (LIHEAP). LIHEAP is a federally funded program            contact your PVA National Service Officer.
        that helps low-income households pay their home
        heating and cooling bills. It operates in every state     Annie App for Veterans
        and the District of Columbia, as well as within most
        tribal reservations and U.S. territories. Since the       The Annie App for Veterans is a VA service that
        COVID-19 pandemic began, LIHEAP agencies                  sends automated text messages to veterans to help
        across the country have made necessary changes            them stay focused on their self-care. Annie can help
        to their typical operations to accommodate the            with the following and many more health conditions.
        circumstances caused by the pandemic. To apply
        for LIHEAP or to learn more, call 1-877-674-6327 or           •  COVID-19 precautions
        email                              •  Diabetes
                                                                      •  General Wellness
                   HOUSE PASSES EVEST ACT                             •  Mental Health
                                                                      •  Hypertension
        The House of Representatives recently passed H.R.
        4673, the Ensuring Veterans’ Smooth Transition            Learn more and sign up by health topic for the
        (EVEST) Act, which directs VA to automatically            Annie protocols you need by subscribing with your
        enroll eligible servicemembers in VA health care.         mobile phone. You can access training materials
        Automatically enrolling eligible servicemembers in        here.
        VA health care simplifies their transition out of the
        military and may also help prevent veteran                VA Automated Benefits Delivery System Pilot
        suicide. You can see full bill text here.
                                                                  VA is testing a new, automated system that may
                          NEWS OF NOTE                            help the department accelerate decisions on
                                                                  disability claims and decrease its backlog of claims
        VA Delays Electronic Health Record Deployment             applications. According to the department, its new
        in Ohio Due to COVID-19 Surge                             VA Automated Benefits Delivery System, launched
                                                                  in December, is processing claims within a day or
        On January 14, VA announced it is delaying the            two, while the traditional method of processing
        scheduled deployment of its new electronic health         these claims currently takes 100 days or more. The
        record effort at the VA Central Ohio Healthcare           pilot is currently focused on claims related to
        System in response to a surge in COVID-19 cases           service-related hypertension, and processing claims
        affecting the workforce and community.                    through the agency’s Boise Regional Office. Click
                                                                  here to read more.
        Family B&B Provider Consolidation and
        Standardization                                                        HEARINGS AND SURVEYS

        VA Central Office is standardizing and centralizing       Hazardous Exposures Survey
        VA’s Bowel and Bladder (B&B) payment process. A
        Regional Payment Center has been established in           Over the past year, Congress has been working on
        Vancouver, Washington, (VISN 20), and will be             legislation that would expand VA benefits and
        responsible for processing all claims for B&B             services to veterans who were exposed to
        payments. Consolidation began in March 2021 and           hazardous substances during their military service.
        is expected to be completed by February 1, 2022.          As part of this ongoing effort, the House Veterans
                                                                  Affairs Committee (HVAC) is inviting veterans who
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