Page 16 - Desert Oracle December 2020
P. 16

COVID-19 CLINICAL UPDATE (as of 12-1-2020)

                • On Monday (11/16/2020) we reimplemented our Incident Command Center due to the
                    increase of COVID positive patients and increased local community demands on hospital
                • Due to increased COVID activity within Arizona, we have designated our ICU as COVID
                    only. The ICU will treat a mix of ICU and Step-Down Unit (SDU) level patients. The SDU
                    will house non-COVID ICU and SDU-level patients.

                • Encouraging Veterans through our Tip of the Week email to utilize virtual care modalities

                    to stay safe during the current COVID-19 surge in Arizona.


                • We started a COVID 19 workgroup to formulate a plan on the eventual distribution of the
                    COVID 19 vaccine when it becomes available at the SAVAHCS to both staff and Veterans
                • We will follow all applicable CDC and VHA guidelines in the equitable distribution of the
                    COVID-19 vaccine; those with the highest risk for exposure to COVID-19 will have the
                    opportunity to get the vaccine first.
                • Once we have received our allotment of vaccines, we will notify the high-risk Veterans and
                    staff first of the availability to receive the vaccine.

             4  MISSION
                • We established an agreement with Indian Health services (IHS) to accept up to 4 COVID
                    and non COVID patient (2 ICU/2 Med Surge) beds based upon availability.  Currently, we
                    are not caring for any IHS patients.
                • An agreement between VA and the State of Arizona will allow SAVAHCS to admit 3
                    COVID humanitarian patients (2 ICU/1 Med Surge) starting November 30th, for a period of
                    30 days.


                • SAVAHCS selected as a site for the ACTIV 3 COVID treatment trial
                • It’s a world-wide trial uses an antibody that is directed towards spike protein on COVID
                • SAVAHCS is 1 of 20 VA Sites in the trial
                • SAVAHCS Infectious Disease MD’s will be the principal investigators.

             FLU SHOTS

                • Flu shots will be available at the SAVAHCS Tucson Main Campus and our Community
                    Based Outpatient Clinics (CBOCs).
                • Veterans can receive their flu shot during a scheduled appointment or during the following
                    dates and times:
   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20   21