Page 36 - DCBE LIFE Magazine / September 2020
P. 36

DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE                          00 6                                     SEPTEMBER 2020

                                                 SECURITY NEWS

        During the month of July security responded to 135 calls for service and issued 23 Notice of Rules Violations (NORV’s).
                                                RULES & POLICIES Article II -- Security

        9.   Motorized vehicles have right-of-way over pedestrians and bicycles on all DCBE roadways. Golf carts driven on DCBE roadways shall defer to other motor vehicles
           by pulling to one side, allowing them to pass.
        10. Walkers, joggers, runners, etc., should always face approaching traffic, for their own safety. Skate boards, scooters (all types) and inline skates shall not be used
           on any DCBE roadway.
        11. No person shall drive any vehicle in wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property within DCBE.
        Please wear sometime of reflective gear when walking the streets of DCBE at night or carry a flashlight or at the very least wear light color clothing, the streets are very
        dark and a vehicle may not be able to see you walking towards them.

        Club employees should never be reprimanded by any Association member, guest or customer. Complaints of deficiencies in service or demeanor of any employee
        should be made in writing to the individual’s department manager or the General Manager.
                     Please don’t forget to check out the security page on the DCBE website and make sure you watch for security allerts.

                                                   North / Back Gate  817-326-5277
                                                   Main / Front Gate  817-326-4640
                                 CALL 911 FIRSt IF yOU hAVE AN EMERGENCy AND thEN CALL SECURIty IF POSSIBLE.
        I am asking all DCBE members to PLEASE CONtACt ME FIRSt if you feel that security  was unable to handle your complaint in an efficient professional manner so
        that I can address the situation. I am available 24/7 at (817) 964-8114. You can also stop by my office or simply send me an email at
                                                 ~  thank you,  Chief Larry Morgan

                                                 SECURITY VIOLATIONS
   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41