Page 18 - DCBE_LIFE_Magazine_OCTOBER2020_OPF
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Decordova Bend estates LIFE 18 ocToBeR 2020
announcements & information
Board Briefs Notice of
august 20th, 2020 Membership
Board of directors Meeting
Board Action Taken:
The Board approved by recommendation of the Recreation
Committee to amend Article XIII- Swimming Pool 5. A. of Rules and DecoRDoVA BenD eSTATeS oWneRS ASSocIATIon, Inc.
Policies to read; All swimmers must wear appropriate swim attire. AnD DecoRDoVA BenD eSTATeS counTRY cLuB, Inc.
Cut offs are prohibited as well as T-back, Brazil/French-cut, thong-
style, and/or translucent swimwear. With all in favor the motion SemI AnnuAL memBeRSHIP meeTInG WILL Be HeLD on
carried. SATuRDAY, noVemBeR 21st, 2020 AT 6:00 Pm In THe DInInG
The Board approved by recommendation of the Facilities Room oF THe cLuBHouSe.
Maintenance Committee a change to Rules & Policies eliminating
Article VII 5. C. Upon termination of a lease the tenant may remove Upcoming DATES & mEETingS
the lift himself, or sell the lift to DCBE at a price outlined in the
Marina Fee Schedule, provided the lift is in good working condition. ciTy coUncil mEETing:
With all in favor the motion carried. Tuesday, october 20th @ 7pm
BoArD mEETing:
Thursday, october 22nd @ 1pm
Board Briefs SEmi AnnUAl mEmBErSHip mEETing:
september 24th, 2020 november 21st, 2020 @ 6pm
Board of directors Meeting
Board Action Taken:
A motion was made by Dana Goode, seconded by Bennie
Hudgins for the renewal of the associations waste disposal contract
upon General Manager, Rick Lantgen’s recommendations; with all
in favor the motion passed.
*Due to terms of the contract and additional services added for the
membership, an increased monthly rate will be applied to member
billing effective January 2021 of $12.65. The current monthly billing
rate is $12.57.
A motion was made by Mike Gallagher, seconded by Bennie
Hudgins to postpone the Fall Artisan Bazaar hosted by the House
and Entertainment Committee until the spring of 2021, due to
current CDC recommendations and State regulations; with all in
favor the motion passed.
*Considerations are being made for The Artisan Bazaar and annual
Garage Sale to both be held in the spring of 2021. More information
will be presented to the membership as those decisions are made.
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