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DeCordova Bend Estates LIFE 40 OCTOBER 2020
just for fun
GET UP & LEARN AT HOME! Fun Activities for Bored Teens
Bring the Zoo to You!
These fun videos from the Dallas Zoo feature zoologists sharing
interesting facts about 15 different species. For example, do you
know how long Texas brown tarantulas live? Watch to find out When kids can’t leave the house these are some great ideas for
Just click the kink amd discover...! them to have fun and stay busy instead of bored and crabby.
Make your own coffee table photo book. Just think of the
possibilities: a memoir of a beloved pet, a special family vacation,
a book about extended family or even a family recipe book with
pictures of the family. If you want to professionally produce it or
check out some design ideas for making your own, check out
the site...
Draw pictures and write notes to Grandma or Pop-Pop to send
them during the quarantine. No emails or texts, real paper and
pencils instead.
Digital Videos & More
Conduct a family meeting and ask everyone to suggest an
PBS Digital Studios has video series for tweens and teens on an activity you can do together. Then do each one over the next
array of topics, from the arts to social science to personal finance. few days.
Good ones for science include:
Use Skype and/or FaceTime to video chat with cousins and other
It’s Okay To Be Smart – explores a range of topics, from family members about what they are doing at home.
coronavirus to debunking scientific urban legends, often with
quirky insights. Have children sing their favorite song and video it – then put on
Physics Girl -- shows how the physical world works by using
everyday experiments and questions to demonstrate basic sci- Paint each other’s fingers and toes — or maybe even yours!
entific ideas.
Each family member write down the top 5 or 10 things they are
Stellar -- is a miniseries that explores space science in a road trip grateful for then read them out loud.
that visits some of the most important astronomy research labs
across America. Have an indoor scavenger hunt or play Hide and Seek.
Eons -- explores the history of life on Earth, from the early Have everyone list the first 5 things you want to do after the
Archaean Eon through the Mesozoic Era — the so-called “Age quarantine is over, including you.
of Dinosaurs” -- to the most recent Ice Age. Have a dance party every day around 30 minutes.
Want more? Explore the full Digital Studios video collection, Everyone write a mini book about their experiences in quarantine.
covering a range of topics, including more in science. They can draw pictures like a coloring book. Then put them in a
Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms – This big safe place and pick a date in the future to read them.
collection of smart videos, interactives, lesson plans, images and Play checkers and have a checkers tournament or play Charades.
other resources on space, earth systems and weather was funded
by NASA. Content is presented in four grade bands. (all grades; We have to get through this healthy and with a smile, so find
TEKS-aligned.) ways to keep a smile on your face and your child’s.