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HX 210 M25
Float’n Flash - 11 Hours long battery Life - USB charging
- AquaQuake™ draining function - Three color choices
Floating / Submersible IPX8 waterproof rating (1.5M or Metallic Gray, Pearl White and Marine Blue - Slim body and
4.92 feet for 30 minutes) - All USA, International, and lightweight - Large LCD, simple user interface - 550mW
Canadian channels - Selectable 6W / 2.5W / 1W output audio output - Optional speaker microphone, HM-213 -
power - Receive WX and FM broadcast 76-108MHz - IPX7 waterproof construction - 4-step battery life indicator
High resolution Dot Matrix LCD - E2O Easy to Operate - Weather channel with weather alert (USA version only)
menu system - Programmable Function Keys - Speaker - Dual/Tri-watch functions - Instant access to Channel 16
Mic Jack - High capacity 1800 mAh Li-Ion battery - 3 or programmable call channel - Favorite channel function -
Hour desktop rapid charger - 3 Year Waterproof Auto scan function -LCD auto backlighting - Supplied acces-
Warranty sories: USB charger, Belt Clip Antenna, Hand Strap
ICO02451 M25 Gray $109.99
ITEM DESCRIPTION OUR$ ICO02452 M25 Pearl White $109.99
STA15980 HX210 Handheld VHF $85.99 ICO02453 M25 Marine Blue $109.99
HX 300 M37 NEW
Floating - Submersible IPX8 4.92 feet for 30 minutes - 5 6W - Battery 2350mAh Li-ion battery, up to 12
Watt transmit power - Unique USB charging system hours - Waterproof Rating IP7 - Floats - The M37 is
Easy To Operate menu system -Volume & squech indi- the perfect size and has an easy-to-grip design with
cation on the displa - Water activated LED light - large keys. A bigger LCD screen - Channel History
Preset Key (Maximum 10 channels) - Preset channel Function stores the last five channels used - Float’n
scan function - 600 mW loud internal speaker audio - Flash function - 700mW audio output - Low battery
NOAA Weather channels - Programmable Scan, alert function - AquaQuake™ water draining func-
Priority Scan, Dual watch and Tri Watch - Supplied tion - Dual/Tri-Watch function - Instant access to
with the SBR-27LI 1800 mAh 3.7V Li-Ion Battery, AC channel 16 - Weather channels with weather alert
USB Plug and charging cable
STA12899 HX300 Handheld VHF $109.99
40 Programmable Land Mobile Channels - Supplied M73 6W Compact, slim and ergonomic design, IPX8
with a 1600mAh Lithium-ion battery, 110 VAC and Submersible (submersion for 30 minutes in 1.5-meter
12 VDC chargers and a charging cradle - Submersible of water), New features- New user interface design
•Selectable 5 and 1 Watt transmit power output - 700 with larger buttons, Louder 700mW audio output,
mW Loud speaker audio - Battery life indicator - All Built Icom tough and meets MIL-STD 810 specifi-
USA, International and Canadian Marine Channels cations, Longer battery life allows approximately 18
- Programmable Scan, Priority Scan and Dual and hours of operating life, “Last Call” features - Voice
TRI Watch - NOAA Weather channels and Weather recording and playback functions, “Bass Boost” -
Alert - Programmable channel names - Preset key used Emphasizes lower frequency for better audio, Active
to recall up to 10 favorite channels - Optional speaker noise canceling - Reduces background noise up to
microphones and headsets available - Optional FBA- 90%. M73 Plus Also has - Active Noise Cancelling -
40 Alkaline Battery tray available - 3 Year Waterproof Bass Boost - Last Call Voice Recording
STA15116 HX380 Handheld VHF $129.99 ICO02442 M73 Handheld VHF $179.99
ICO02443 M73 PLUS Handheld VHF $229.99
HX 890 M93D
6W transmit power output - 700mW Loud Audio and
Noise Canceling Function - Rugged case construction
conforms to Military Standard - Available in Navy Blue or
Black - Submersible IPX8 Construction and it floats - DSC
- (Digital Selective Calling) - W2.60’’ x H5.43’’ x D1.50’’ – GPS built-in providing location, bearing and
Built-in Integrated 66 channel WAAS GPS Receiver - 11-hour speed - Class D DSC - Float’n Flash - Large LCD
Operating Time with 1800mAh high capacity Li-ion battery with a - simple user interface - IPX7 submersible
- Easy to Operate Menu System with a large (1.7’’ x 1.7’’) Full- - AquaQuake™ draining function - Active noise
dot matrix display - Selectable Display Mode - Day & Night cancelling - 50 waypoint memories with alphanu-
Mode - Waypoint and Route navigation - Group Monitor meric name for navigation - Dual/tri-watch function
Function utilizing DSC Group Position Call - MOB (Man over - Battery indicator
Board) feature - Water Activated Emergency “WHITE” Strobe
Light - Two Scrambler Systems built-in – 4-code CVS2500A
& 32-code FVP-42 Versatile Scanning operation (Dual Watch
and Triple Watch)- NOAA Weather Channels with Weather
Alert - FM Broadcast Radio Receiver - Micro USB Data jack
for PC programming - 3 Year Waterproof Warranty ITEM DESCRIPTION: MAP*
ITEM DESCRIPTION: MAP* ICO02560 M93D Handheld vhf/gps $229.99
STA16635 HX890BK HH GPS VHF BLACK $199.99
STA16643 HX890NB HH GPS VHF BLUE $199.99
*(MAP) Minimum Advertise Price. This manufacture has set MAP for their products. These items can not be advertise for lower price than the manufacture has set. However, MAP does 11
not always mean that we cannot sell the product for a lower price. Please ask or call one of our sales associates for your special price. Call (800)627-6457.