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                RESQLINK 400        NEW                                AQUALINK

                              Small but resilient, the ResQLink 400 has been professionally   Three levels of integrated signal technology; GPS, 406 MHz,and 121.5
                              engineered and tested to ensure it can withstand even the harshest   MHz homing capability; the AquaLink™ quickly and accurately relays
                              elements. This buoyant Personal Locator Beacon requires no sub-  your position. The AquaLink™ broadcasts not only tells rescuers
                              scription for use and can be utilized to enhance your safety in a wide   where you are, but who you are. The onboard GPS can fix your posi-
                              variety of environments. Whether on land, at sea, or in the air, trust   tion to within 100 meters and then utilizes a powerful 406 MHz signal
                              that the ResQLink’s satellite precision and military durability, put   to relay your distress call to orbiting satellites. A separate homing
                              rescue in the palm of your hands. Small but resilient, the ResQLink   signal and integrated LED strobe light guide rescuers to your exact
                              400 has been professionally engineered and tested to ensure it   location. Performing a full functional self-test of the PLB’s internal
                              can withstand even the harshest elements. This buoyant Personal   circuitry, battery voltage & power and 406 MHz gives you the peace
                              Locator Beacon requires no subscription for use and can be utilized   of mind knowing your PLB will work the moment you need it the
                              to enhance your safety in a wide variety of environments. Whether   most. ACR Exclusive: Built-in GPS acquisition test mode up to 12
                              on land, at sea, or in the air, trust that the ResQLink’s satellite pre-  times over the life of the battery. Comes with and without display.
                              cision and military durability, put rescue in the palm of your hands.
                              ITEM#        MODEL   DESCRIPTION   MAP*            ITEM#        MODEL   DESCRIPTION                          OUR$
                              ACR02921   2921        ResQLink 400 PLB-400  $299.95      ACR02882  2882        Aqualink Plb 406 Personal              $329.99
                              ACR02922   2922        ResQLink View PLB-425 $349.95  S/O   ACR02884  2884        Aqualink Plb l406 Personal W/Display   $399.99
                                                                              GLOBALFIX  EPIRB

                                                                       The GlobalFix™ Pro The GlobalFix™ PRO broadcasts a unique registered distress signal that not
                                                                       only tells rescuers where you are, but who you are. The internal GPS will automatically turn on
                                                                       and acquire your position upon activation and then utilizes a powerful 406 MHz signal to relay
                                                                       your distress call to orbiting satellites. As local Search and Rescue is deployed, a separate hom-
                                                                       ing signal and integrated LED strobe light guide rescuers to your exact location.Performing
                                                                       a full functional self test of the GlobalFix™ PRO internal circuitry, battery voltage & power,
                                                                       and 406 MHz transmission gives you the peace of mind.  Highly visible LED strobe - Energy
                                                                       efficient - Internal 66 channel GPS.
                                                                       The GlobalFix™ iPRO Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) is the next gener-
                                                                       ation in marine safety electronics. This EPIRB is a breakthrough product that boasts a digital
                                         Cat 1 - Automatic               Cat 2 - Manual       display and dual GPS technology. Available in Category I or II brackets. Digital display - The
               GlobalFix Ipro  GlobalFix V4  Deployment Bracket  Deployment Bracket  screen displays GPS LAT/LON, operating instructions, usage tips, transmission bursts as well
               ITEM#   MODEL            DESCRIPTION               MAP*  as battery power. Digital display visually walks you through the self-test .step by step. Highly
               ACR02831    2831        Globalfix V4 406 Cat 2 GPS Manual                      $449.95   visible LED strobe.
               ACR02830    2830        Globalfix V4 406 Cat 1 GPS Auto                         $549.95   The GlobalFix™ V4  GlobalFIX™ V4 marine distress EPIRB. Rrobust internal GPS. Your coordi-
               ACR02844    2844        Globalfix Pro 406 Cat 2 GPS Manual              $499.99   nates are broadcast via 406 MHz distress signal to Search and Rescue forces worldwide. In the
               ACR02842    2842          Globalfix Pro 406 CAT 1 GPS Auto              $599.99   absence of GPS data, orbiting Cospas-Sarsat satellites can accurately triangulate your position
                                                                       using the 406 MHz signal alone. A 121.5 MHz homing signal further guides searchers to your
               ACR02848    2848          Globalfix Ipro 406 Cat 2 Gps W/display Manual         $659.99   exact position.
               ACR02846    2846          Globalfix Ipro 406 Cat 1 Gps w/display Auto               $759.99
                RAPID DITCH BAG                                       AISLINK MOB BEACON

                                              When seconds matter, mariners count     AIS technology comes to the rescue with this compact and
                                              On grab-and-go reliability. This rug-   affordable man overboard beacon DSC and GPS. Unlike a
                                              ged bag features all of the pockets,    personal locator beacon, which signals orbiting search and
                                              tethers and loops you need to keep      rescue satellites.   It AISLink MOB automatically activates
                                              safety gear at the ready. The tough     upon inflation of the lifejacket, sending an initial alert within
                                              water resistant fabric and self-repair-  15 seconds to all AIS receivers and plotters in the vicinity. Both
                                              ing, corrosion-resistant zippers stand   positioning and MOB emergency messages are transmitted
                                              up to the harshest of elements. It will   alerting vessels up to 5 miles away. The AISLink MOB also has
                                              float up to 25 lbs of gear.  Stay together   the ability to alert your crew by activating the DSC alarm on
                                              with the new innovative shoulder strap   your vessel’s VHF. The integrated high-intensity strobe light
                                              tethering system that unhooks and       assists in low light conditions. Powerful lithium metal batteries
                                              easily transforms into two 4-foot safety   provide 24+ hours of operational life, and the high-impact
                                              harnesses designed to clip to your life   housing can withstand a drop to water of 20m.
                                              jackets to keep everyone connected
               ITEM#    MODEL   DESCRIPTION        OUR$  while in the water.         ITEM#        MODEL   DESCRIPTION                  MAP*
                                                                                                  Personal MOB Beacon
               026048     2278          Rapid Ditch Bag      $89.99
                C-LIGHT                                               SM2 CREW OVERBOARD LIGHT
                               The new LED C-Light is a manually activated steady-on per-
                               sonal distress light with dramatically improved operating life.
                               This rugged little waterproof light is USCG/SOLAS approved   Automatic Crew Overboard Marker Light
                               and has a 20 lumen LED that operates typically for 30 hours   It automatically rights itself and activates when in the water
                               continuously.  The C-Light is activated manually with an easy   and begins strobing, operating for up to 60 hours on a 6-volt
                               twist On/Off activation making this an ideal light for all out-  lantern battery. Perfect for commercial marine, petro-ma-
                               door enthusiasts. The C-Light H2O model includes two acti-  rine, cruisers and any application needing a reliable COB
                               vation methods; the light can easily be activated with a simple   light. Automatically rights itself and activates when in the
                               push of the On/Off button or when in the armed position, can   water. High intensity Xenon strobe gives 360° visibility for
                               be activated automatically when immersed in water, making   more than 3 miles (4.8 km). Floats upright in all conditions
                               this an ideal light for all outdoor enthusiasts.        Minimum 36 hours continuous operating life

                                 ITEM#       MODEL   DESCRIPTION        OUR$
                                 ACR39631     3963.1       C-light                $12.99  ITEM#        MODEL   DESCRIPTION                    OUR$
                                 ACR39621  3962.1     C-Light H20             $17.99   ACR39401   3940.1     Over Board Marker Light   $119.99
            2  *(MAP) Minimum Advertise Price.  This manufacture has set MAP for their products.  These items can not be advertise for lower price than the manufacture has set.  However, MAP does
              not always mean that we cannot sell the product for a lower price. Please ask or call one of our sales associates for your special price. Call (800)627-6457.
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