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                         SNAPPY TEAK-NU                   ON & OFF                             SPRAY GUN & PARTS
                         SPECIALLY FORMULATED TWO           HULL & BOTTOM                      #PRE267  16OZ         $6.79
                         PART TEAK CLEANER THAT LEAVES          CLEANER                        #PRE465 REPLACEMENT PRO $4.99
                         TEAK LOOKING FRESHLY SANDED.      #7100     32 oz (qt)  $11.99
                          #7130 Gal.Part1   $25.99         #7100GL GALLON   $39.99             #KRY03342 SPRAY GUN GRIP   $3.99
                          #7131 Gal.Part2                                                   PVA Partall #10 Release Agent
                          #7132 QT.Kit        $22.99                                          #PAR28671  PT.   $7.99
                               MEGUIARS                          FAST ACTING   BLUE GEL CLINGS  TO  SUR-  #PAR28669  QT. $11.99
                                                                 FACES REMOVES STUBBORN RUST STAIN &
                                                                                              #PAR28670  GL. $34.99
                         Clear plastic treatment  $8.59          SCUM LINES BREAK DOWN GREASE & OIL.                                         AWESOME PRO
                                                                   #CRC03532 32oz  $15.99
                         #MEG11708   plastic cleaner 8OZ.                                                                  TECTION FOR
                         #MEG11808   plastic detailer 8OZ.             #CRC35128  Gl    $41.99  YOUR   BOAT NO RUBBING, NO BUFF-
                                                                                            ING. TOWERS, OUTRIGGERS, FIBER-

                  Heavy Oxidation Deck Scrub 32oz          ON&OFF MARY KATE Outdriver Spray   GLASS, ELECTRICAL   CONNECTIONS
                                                           #MAR04016 OUTDRIVE SPRAY    $9.99  #WOOW16    16oz    $30.99
                       #MEG01180  32OZ.   $19.99                                            #WOO00400  64oz    $95.99
                  Vinyl & rubber cleaner                          INFLATABLE &              #WOOWA WASH & WAX        $17.99
                   NO. 57  Cleans, revitalizes, and`protects vinyl and rubber   FENDER CLEANER
                  surfaces in one easy step. Screens out damaging UV rays                   #WOO00816 camauba g/c   $28.99
                  that can dry out or crack the surface         #MAR03832  32 oz (qt) $11.99   #WOO00916 camauba c/     $23.99
                       #MEG15716         16OZ.     $12.49
                       Quick wax clean & protect          CLEANING DETAIL H/D NON           SPRAY NINE
                        NO. 59 The spray wax method can quickly add protection   SKID CLEANING
                       and gloss to large surface on your boat. wheter the surface          "SPRAY ON-WIPE  OFF"  GERMI-
                       is wet or dry.                           #MAR02132    32 oz (qt)     CIDAL CLEANER, POWERFUL,
                       #MEG15916       16OZ.    $9.49                 $15.99                YET ECONOMICAL, SPRAY NINE
                        One step wax cleaner              MILDEW   REMOVER                  CONTAINS  NO  CHLORINATED
                                                                                            OR PETROLEUM SOLVENTS &
                  #MEG15016   cleaner        16 OZ.   $14.99            32 oz (qt) $11.99   IS NONFLAMMABLE.

                  #MEG15032   cleaner        32 OZ.   $23.99    #MAR03732                   #6220  32OZ    $  5.99
                  #MEG15001   cleaner      gallon     $55.99   #MAR06532  $11.79            #6219  GL.     $16.99
                          Gel wash rich sud                    ROLLAWAY BOAT WASH  32 oz (qt)      TEAK WONDER
                          NO. 54 Rich, biodegrable wash formula gently lifts boat   #MAR04132 CANVAS CLEANER 32oz $8.99  4-LTR CLEANER
                         scum, dirt,salt spray, grime, bird droppings and other                     These leave the deck looking like ‘new’.
                         loose contaminans without stripping wax protection.                        Applying the two products contained in
                         #MEG15416   gel wax       16 OZ.     $  6.99  AquaBuff 2000 compound & polish  each bottle one after the other washes
                         #MEG15401   cleaner      gallon      $29.99                                away the grey colour that has accumu-
                                                                                                    lated in the wood only to rediscover the
                     Wax pure carnauba blend              #AQU23870       PINT.            $  8.99    splendid golden colour that new or just
                                                                                                    sanded teak possesses.
                   NO. 55 Durable high gloss protection for all fiberglass   #AQU23868       QUART.         $18.99   #872003 PART-1 $39.99
                  gel coat surfaces. Blend of pure Brazilian carnauba              $42.99          #872004 PART-2 $39.99
                  wax with silicones, polymers and resins to maintain   #AQU23869       GALLON.
                  extraordinary gloss and protection.                                       #872005 INSTANTCLEANER $12.99
                  #MEG15616     wax       16 OZ.     $14.99  Metal and Fiberglass Cleaner 16oz     Z-TUFF PRODUCTS
                       Flagship premiun marine wax        #MAR01151  16 oz (pt)    $9.99
                       NO. 63 Dramatically enriches color and shine of                               #ZTU35138  Z-Soap
                                                                                                     Wash & Wax GL $21.99
                      fiberglass and gel coat surfaces. Effective in remov-  #SUN00210   Bleach Liquid 128 Oz.   $2.99
                      ing light oxidation and dullness, restoring gloss, and   # 243001 ACID  MURIATIC GALLON-   $4.99  #ZTU35144  Z-Cleaner Z-
                      adding protection from UV damages.                                             Tuff Stuff Concent. QT $11.29
                       #MEG16316     wax       16 OZ.     $21.99                                     #ZTU35142  Z-Cleaner Z-
                       #MEG16332     wax       32 OZ.     $32.99                                     Tuff Stuff Concent.GL $19.99
                       #MEG16301     wax       1 GAL      $73.99                                             #ZTU35152
                           One step h/d compound                   PASTE                     Cleaner Z-DECK WITH ZTP                $12.99
                                                                                                       Z-Cleaner Stuff Concen 5GL
                           NO. 63 This advanced aggressive, yet safecom-  #GWAX         Quart    $16.99    #ZTU35149  $99.99
                          pound will clean and restore gloss to the gel coat   #GWAXG      Gallon   $39.99
                          surface in one step. Removes moderate to heavy                    #ZTU35131 Z-SCRUBBER PAD  $1.99
                          oxidation, scratches, stains and tough waterspots.      LIQUID
                          Restores color and leaves a rich gloss on the treat-              CORROSION BLOCK GREASE
                          ed surface. Incredible results by hand or machine.  #GAR00110  Gallon  $  7.99   Corrosion Block is an anti-
                           #MEG16732            32 OZ.     $26.99    #GAR00004  Gallon $39.99  corrosion compound developed
                           #MEG14901            gallon     $49.99                           exclusively to stop existing
                                                                                            corrosion and prevent new.
                   Mirror Glaze Mold Release Wax8                                          #COR25026  2oz     $5.89
                      #MEG10811            11 OZ.     $12.49  #845       INSULATOR WAX PT.   $18.99  #COR25003  2oz 2pk.$10.99
                   Mirror Glaze Mold Restorer 44          #850       METAL WAX        $13.69        #COR25014 14oz cartrige$12.99
                       #MEG14416            11 OZ.     $11.99  #870        FLEET WAX         $20.99       #COR25016 1 lbs tub wheel $14.99
                   Mirror Glaze Compound ultra cut        #885        FLEET WAX  PASTE 10OZ.$21.99       #COR21001 REELFAST     $2.79
                      #MEG10532   QTR. 32OZ.        $  35.99    #920        BOAT CLEANER    $  9.99        Sheila Shine
                      #MEG10501   1 GALLON.        $109.99   #925        BOAT WAX             $19.99  10 OZ AEROSOL
                  Mirror Glaze Compound POWER                                                     #0112    $9.99
                      #MEG19132   QTR. 32OZ.        $  32.99  #COL00871  FLEET WAX 1/2 GL.  $59.99
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