Page 18 - The Net Magazine Faversham-175 - July 2019
P. 18

Woodland Trust at Hucking Estate
      Clubs and Societies Continued from page 16
                                                      Guided Walk at Hucking
          Whitstable Farmers’ Market             Saturday 13th July, 11.00am – 1.00pm
                                                Learn interesting facts about the area’s
             Umbrella Centre Main Hall        history from knowledgeable Woodland Trust
               Oxford Street CT5 1DD
             Saturdays 13th & 27th July       volunteer, who will make the site come alive!
                  9.30am – 2.00pm              Booking essential at woodlandtrusttickets.
            Preserves, Bread, Eggs, Meat,     
       Cakes, Fruit, Vegetables, Drink, Cider, Beer,   huckingvolunteerledwalks
                Guest Crafts, Cafe           Faversham  Mission  Brass.   Brass Band  available  for
                                             concerts, garden parties and bandstands throughout the
                                             local area,  new
     Faversham  Art  Society  1st  Tuesday each month Feb   players welcome.  Rehearsals Tuesdays.  01795 533473
     – Nov, United Church Hall,  Preston Street, Faversham   Herne Bay Little Theatre  44 Bullers  Avenue, Herne
     7.15 – 9.30pm. Demos, workshops and exhibitions, New   Bay CT6 8UH Friendly theatre staging dramas, comedy
     members welcome,  ring 01227  750548  or see website   & popular annual  panto. Membership  £12. New actors for details.  and backstage help welcome. Ring 01227 366004 or see
     Faversham Choral Society meets on Wednesday
     Evenings at  7.45pm in the  United Church  Hall, Preston   Ideas Test is an arts organisation working hand in hand
     Street.  The society performs three concerts each year   with communities in Swale & Medway empowering them
     covering the full range of choral music. New members are   to live more creative lives. For more information on our
     always welcome.  Website:  programme and events visit or call
     Faversham Folk Club 8.30pm every Wednesday at The   us on 07713 865955
     Chimney Boy, Preston Street. Singers’ Nights anyone can   Jo  Jingles  Music  &  Movement  Whitstable Umbrella
     join in, (£1), other evenings guest performers.  Information   Centre  Main  Hall,  Oxford  Street  CT5  1DD  Wednesday  or  phone Pat  on 01795   term time only 9.30 – 10.30am Fun and interactive pre-
     423674 or e-mail  school music, singing and movement classes for babies
     Faversham Folk  Dance Club  meet  every Tuesday,   and children 3 months to  5 years email  sophiejingles@
     Ethelbert Road Primary School ME13 8SQ, 8.00 – 10pm. for details and booking.
     First visit free then £3 includes refreshment. Come alone   Music  &  Movement  Session Whitstable  Umbrella
     or with a partner. We teach all the moves, good fun and   Centre  Main  Hall  Term  Time  only,  Oxford  Street  CT5
     good exercise, contact Jeanette Peters 01795 538751.  1DD. Wednesday 1.00 – 2.30pm a new class for home
                                             educated children aged 4 – 12 years ring 07803 546335
                                             or email
                                             Mustard Seeds Choir Whitstable Umbrella Centre Main
                                             Hall,  Oxford  Street  CT5  1DD.  Friday  5.30  –  6.30pm  an
                                             all-inclusive community choir helping people meet others,
                                             make friendships  and  improve  their wellbeing  through
                                             song ring 07737 937414 or email
                                             Swale Sings a community choir that sings songs from
                                             around the  world. Every  Wednesday 7.00 – 9.00pm,
                                             Avenue  Theatre, Sittingbourne.  All ages  & abilities
                                             welcome, donations  welcome, details 07859 778755  or
                                                      A Night at the Opera
                                                     Bearsted Choral Society
                                                        Summer Concert
                                                    Saturday 13th July, 7.30pm
                                                      St John’s CEP School
                                                Provender Way, Grove Green ME14 5TZ
                                                Under the baton of our Music Director
                                                         Andrew Lowen
                                                 Tickets £10 (Full-time students free)
                                                      Book tickets online at
                                                         0333 6663366
                                                    Also available on the Door
                                              Online & telephone booking fees apply plus
                                              call charges. Booking agent: Ticket Source
                                             ...See more clubs and societies on page 22
      page 18                      the net Faversham, Whitstable and Herne Bay
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