Page 26 - Maddie
P. 26

Hi Crystal, I am so pleased to have this chance to
                 sit down with you for coffee and conversation!

                 It’s my pleasure! I love the magazine and am happy to be a
                 part of it.

                 Thank you! I have to admit I am a huge fan of
                 your work as are many others. How did you
                 become interested in photography?

                 I moved to Edmonton, AB in 2008 as an international
                 exchange student when I was 15. I didn’t know anyone and
                 was very shy. I decided that photography was a good way
                 to get outside and explore.

                 That must have been a very lonely time, being
                 away from home & family like that.

                 Yes, I had no family here. I hadn’t made any friends yet, so I
                 needed to get out of my room and do something. I also wanted
                 to stay connected with my Friends in Hong Kong, and I would go
                 out and take pictures to show them what life is like over here. Pho-
                 tography was something I could do on my own and make memories
                 for my life.

                 Well, I’m glad you found your passion. Your work is amazing. Did
                 you keep working on your photography skills?

                 Thank you. Yes, after I graduated high school, I studied design at Grant MacEwan
                 University. Photography was my major.

                 Did you pursue your photography career after University?

                 Not right away, I worked at Sephora for four years as a hair and make-up artist first.
                 Another great experience and skillset. I would also freelance on photography every
                 weekend those years. I love to do make-up artistry too. I love working with people and
                 get to slow down and get to know them.

                 What came after Sephora?

                 I started working for World Management.  They gave me so much opportunities and free-
                 dom doing magazine/ editorial work, doing test shoots with new models and get to travel
                 around and help develop their models. I am very grateful.
                 How long have you been with World Management?

                 It’s been about four years now.

                 Four years? Wow.. how many models do you estimate you have worked

                 It’s hard to keep track (laughs) but I would guess about three thousand.

                 That’s incredible! You have such a wealth of experience for such a young
                 age. What’s next for you?

                 I love what I am doing. I have built up a loyal client base and I feel it is time for me to start
                 challenging myself again and expand my portfolio. I have started to freelance and focus on my
                 own business and overall work, so hope to possibly open my own studio soon.
                  I can’t wait to see what you do next.

                 Thanks so much!

                  - FIND MORE OF CRYSTAL’S WORK ON-
                   LINE AND HOW YOU CAN BOOK YOUR         Instagram - @ thecrystaltsang
                       NEXT SESSION WITH HER       4
         26  teenlook | fall edition
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