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             ooking  back  to the era  known best as   protect themselves leading up to the 20s. It   the 20s that helped create the change in the
             “The Roaring  20’s”,  there  are  similari-  was also an era of great protest; The Wom-  world we live in today. Influential writers like
         Lties of events and maybe it was a time   en’s suffrage movement led the way to giving   Ernest Hemingway, J. Scott Fitzgerald creat-
         not too different from this decade before us.   women more rights to vote in elections. The   ed literary works that are required reading in
         We are still coping and learning to live with   Prohibition caused an outcry of the American   most schools. Artists such as Pablo Picasso
         COVID  19, wearing masks  is commonplace.   people as it put in place a nationwide consti-  changed the  way we looked  at art.  Fashion
         The state of unrest that we are suffering in   tutional ban on the production, importation,   designers like Coco Chanel shaped the haute
         that has many people in protest. As we go   transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverag-  couture and created fashion houses that still
         through  the  difficulties of the  time, we  are   es. This led directly to the rise of organized   are designing today. The architectural design,
         learning and growing in ways we might never   crime with names like Al Capone leading the   “Art Deco” replaced the previous design style,
         have.                               fight to control the illegal sales and distribu-  “Art Nouveau” with bold lines that still reso-
          In the 1920s, the Great War was put behind   tion of alcohol.  The  Bolshevik Revolution   nate and is appreciated in our modern times.
         the people thanks to the Armistice and mass   in 1918 created an ideology  in America  for   This is just a small  look  at the  people and
         production was forging a way for enormous   pro-communist  support also  referred  to as   events. I f you do some research, you might
         growth and opportunity for prosperity. In ret-  the  “Red  Scare”  Many strikes and protests   be surprised  at the people and  companies
         rospect to the masks we wear now, the 1918   were common place due to these events.   that were a part of the decade that are still
         Flu Pandemic still had many people in the af-   Outside of the  negative  aspects,  there  are   around in our current times.
         fected areas wearing white surgical masks to   much more positive events and influencers of

       EGYPTIAN INFLUENCE                                                           MARY PICKFORD

                              Howard Carter discovered King Tuts’ Tomb
                              in 1922  which  led to the  Egyptian fashion   Gladys Louise Smith, known professionally as
                              inspiration through this decade. This ‘find’   Mary Pickford, was a Canadian-American film
                              was to become a  ‘movement’  within  the     actress and producer with a career that spanned
                              world  or art, fashion, and architecture as   five  decades. A pioneer  in  the American film
                              the images of the artifacts swept the world.   industry, she  co-founded  Pickford  Fairbanks
                              Walk like an Egyptian!                       Studios and United Artists, and was one of the
                                                                           36 founders of the Academy of Motion Picture
                                                                           Arts and Sciences.
                               Gabrielle Bonheur “Coco” Chanel was a French
                               fashion  designer and businesswoman.  The
                               founder and namesake of the Chanel brand, she
                               was credited in the post-World War I era with
                                       liberating women from the constraints
                                       of the  “corseted  silhouette” and
         COCO CHANEL                   popularizing  a  sporty, casual  chic  as
                                          the  feminine standard  of style. A
                                          prolific  fashion creator,  Chanel
                                          extended  her  influence  beyond
                                          couture clothing, realizing her design
                                          aesthetic  in jewelery,  handbags,
                                          and fragrance. Her signature scent,
                                         Chanel No. 5, has become an iconic
                                          product.  She is the  only  fashion
                                          designer listed on Time magazine’s
                                          list of the 100 most influential people
                                          of the 20th century. Chanel herself
                                          designed her famed interlocked-CC
                                          monogram, which has been in use
         74  teenlook | fall edition
                                          since the 1920s.
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