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Alison M. Wolfe, MBA, MS, PhD, Professor
1. Obtain extra help from instructor whenever necessary.
2. Understand all the academic policies and requirements, student conduct codes, and student grievance
procedures of Elmira College as stated in the latest College Bulletin and Student Handbook.
3. Any work submitted by a student must represent original work produced by that student. Any source used by a
student must be documented through references and citations, and the extent to which any sources have been
used must be apparent to the reader. The college further considers resubmission of a work produced for one
course in a subsequent course or the submission of work done partially or entirely by another to be academic
4. Recognize that plagiarism is a serious breach of academic conduct and is not acceptable under any
circumstances. Students must reference all sources, including those from which an idea is paraphrased. Web
sites must be credited with their full URLs. Penalties for cheating or plagiarizing will be at the discretion of the
instructor and in accordance with Elmira College policies. Below is a statement from the Elmira College
“Academic Honesty and Plagiarism : Students should carefully read the relevant section of the Code of Conduct which
details policies and procedures pertaining to academic dishonesty or plagiarism. In particular, Section II-B notes: “A grade
of “F” may be assigned for a course in which academic dishonesty has been substantiated, but an instructor may also assign
a zero to the piece of work or assignment or exam in question; the student may be asked to redo the assignment or retake an
exam if the circumstances warrant.” In addition, all instances of academic dishonesty will be reported to the Provost’s
The provost Office is located on the first floor of McGraw, #107. The Provost is Dr. Patricia Ireland
5. Knowing that students often need to juggle school, family, work, extracurricular activities, and other
obligations, you need to know that Prof./Dr. Wolfe does not second-guess your priorities and does not think
less of any student who chooses to devote more time and effort to one of these other obligations rather than
to an assignment or the course as a whole. I respect the maturity of students who establish their priorities,
make difficult choices, and accept the consequences of those decisions. Do note that your grade is based
solely on my professional assessment of the quantity and quality of your work, not on your effort, situation,
or on my opinion of you as an individual.
1. At the end of course, place the survey in a sealed envelope. Do not put your name on the survey.
2. The survey questions are designed to measure how well this course met the objectives and learning outcomes
described in its syllabus. They are designed to measure the effectiveness of the course itself, rather than your
efforts as a student or mine as a teacher. We are seeking to understand how well this course fits within the
overall program objectives of Elmira College's Business Administration major and marketing concentration: to
give you the skills and knowledge to function within today's global business environment, understand the role
and process of marketing within organizations, and take on marketing and management responsibilities at an
organizational or entrepreneurial level.
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