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Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Professor
1. At the end of course, please complete and submit the course assessment survey.
2. The survey questions are designed to measure how well this course met the objectives and learning outcomes
described in its syllabus. They are designed to measure the effectiveness of the course itself, rather than your
efforts as a student or mine as a teacher. We are seeking to understand how well this course fits within the
overall program objectives of Elmira College's Business Administration major and marketing concentration: to
give you the skills and knowledge to function within today's global business environment, understand the role
and process of marketing within organizations, and take on marketing and management responsibilities at an
organizational or entrepreneurial level.
1. This course utilizes cases, experiential exercises, and class discussion. The method of instruction consists of a
combination of lectures, class discussions on marketing concepts and on current marketing events and articles,
in-class “think tank” exercises, guest speakers, cases, electronic email updates and lessons, group presentations,
and a marketing plan project. The emphasis is on the practical application of marketing knowledge in the “real
world” decision-making.
2. Lecture/presentation materials shown during class will be available to students on Canvas®.
3. Written assignments, projects, cases, and current events pertinent to course material will be reviewed and
discussed. In addition, students are expected to read and check their Canvas® and/or email accounts daily for
course news and announcements.
4. The scheduling, team activities in this course are explicitly intended to simulate pressures and time constraints
that you will experience in the marketplace.
5. HELPFUL HINT: Keep materials (electronic files/hard copies) organized, e.g., handouts, class materials,
team/individual projects.
ý Bottom line: This course utilizes cases, experiential exercises, and class discussion.
1. ALL students are required to participate, contribute, and cooperate as a team. Furthermore, in this course,
you will complete one team term project assignment.
2. Your team can meet in-person, or your team can assume each member lives in a different state or country using
virtual/electronic meetings, e.g., ZOOM®.
3. A confidential peer evaluation of each group members’ efforts will be part of the final grade.
AMW v FALL TERM I 2024 v 09.02.2024.
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