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                                             Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Associate Professor

                                     ASSIGNMENT INFO: Facilitator

                                    Rubric:  BOOK CLUB ASSIGNED READINGS

              þ  Professional business-casual (business-smart) attire required for the presentations.
              þ  Upload your PowerPoint® and, if applicable, presentation handouts/materials (for class) to Canvas®.
              Note:  All student facilitators must participate in each assignment section:  key concepts, book club, case, article review and
              assignment examples

               ORAL PRESENTATION                                                                POINTS  YOUR
               Introduction/Close, Logic, flow, organization, collection, and time management       10
               Use of PowerPoint®:  Creative images, graphics, style, interest                      10
               Attitude:  Relaxed; use audible, clear voice; use appropriate language and comments   10
               Confidence in topic:  Speak about material rather than read from note cards or slides
               Book Club 1:                                                                         10
               Textbook Reading Concepts
                  ð Briefly review of “six” key concepts/terms from reading
               Book Club 2:                                                                         10
               Textbook Reading Concepts
                  ð Briefly review of “six” key concepts/terms from reading
               Book Club 1:  Most interesting concept                                                5
               Book Club 2:   Most interesting concept                                               5
               Book Club 1, Discussion Question (creates, presents, and facilitates discussion)     10
               Book Club 2:  Discussion Question (creates, presents, and facilitates discussion)     10

               Assignment Examples                                                                  10
               Support assignment with “creative examples” (media) and “outside sources”
               Facilitator role:  leading, listening, probing, engaging, summarizing, and managing time management   10
               Knowledge: Mastery of topics and content, e.g., important facts and tips        Expected
               References and support of ideas (outside sources),                              Expected
               Matter of correctness including spelling, grammar, and word usage               Expected
               Professional appearance                                                         Expected
               Presentation:  Creativity                                                       Expected
               Properly cite sources, e.g., APA                                                Expected
               Bonus Points (if applicable)
               Deductions (-), if applicable
               Note: Deductions if you do not complete the expected categories
                                                                                      TOTAL       100

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