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                                             Alison M. Wolfe MBA, MS, PhD, Associate Professor

               1.   To understand the fundamental concepts and practices of marketing.
               2.   To explore the “marketing concept” as a viable business strategy.
               3.   To learn how marketing strategies evolve from research.
               4.   To become familiar with competitive, economic, legal, cultural, and other environmental factors.
               5.   To realize that planning specific, realistic objectives are crucial to long-term marketing success.
               6.   To understand the imperative of target marketing in today’s business context.
               7.   To develop oral and written communication skills for marketing presentations.
               8.   To be able to formulate your first marketing plan for a new product introduction.
               9.   To understand the concept of a market and its major segmentation variables.
               10.  To learn the basic steps for conducting market research and the value it provides to an organization.
               11.  To comprehend the value of research to develop marketing strategies.
               12.  To understand the concept of a product along with its product life cycle.
               13.  To become familiar with the nature of services and how they differ from goods relative to marketing.
               14.  To become aware of the value of branding and the concept of brand loyalty.
               15.  To understand the nature and functions of marketing channels.
               16.  To understand the role of promotion in the marketing mix.
               17.  To learning about pricing decisions.
               18.  To develop an awareness of an organization’s social and ethical responsibility in its marketing activities.
               19.  To realize, through the group project, that interpersonal skills, collaboration, teamwork as well as, quality of work determine an individual’s business
               20.  To provide a fun, engaging learning environment.

                    CORE                     E.C.               A.M. WOLFE               A.M. WOLFE
                  LEARNING       BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS           COURSE                   COURSE
                    AREA                  DIVISION                MKT2250                  MKT2250
                                          BUSINESS              METHOD OF                   Course

                                     ADMINISTRATION             ASSESSMENT          OBJECTIVESNUMBER*

                                      PROGRAM GOALS

                   Interrelated   1. Describe, explain, and apply   Assignments   #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18
                 Course Content   fundamental concepts and     Term Project
                   Information    relationships underlying accounting,
                                  economics, finance, management,
                                  marketing, and management
                                  information systems.
                   Technology   2. Apply information technology and    Assignments   #1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12
                                  use information to support business  Term Project
                                  processes and decision-making.
                 Critical Thinking  3. Identify the theories and practices of  Assignments   #1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10,12, 18
                                  business ethics and social   Term Project

                   Quantitative   4. Apply quantitative skills to analyze   Assignments   #1, 2, 3, 6, 10, 11, 12, 17
                                  and solve business problems and   Term Project
                                  discover opportunities.
                 Communication   5. Communicate orally and in writing   Assignments   #1,2, 7,8,14,16, 19, 20
                                  about business topics.       Term Project
                   Team Skills   6. Function effectively as team   Term Project   #5, 7, 8,10,19
                 Culture Analysis   7. Understand globalization and value  Assignments   #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 18
                                  cultural diversity.          Exams
                                                               Term Project
                 Content Specific   8. Demonstrate proficiencies in   Exams/ Quizzes   #1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6,8, 9, 10, 11,12, 13, 14,
                   Information    discipline specific areas identified as  Assignments   15,16, 17, 20
                                  specializations.             Term Project

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