P. 15
September, 2020 Page 15
How to Start a Business with No Money
Continued from pg 14
and services Hold off buying new
eating out, or by bringing cost classes on and
or upgraded equipment and
lunch to work instead of elsewhere online. Doing all these
software until you can pay for
buying it? Could you enjoy tasks yourself at first saves you
them out of the business
local beaches and attractions money and will also help you
instead of going on an understand what type of skills
expensive summer vacation? Use Free and Low-Cost each activity requires when the
Can you watch movies at home Marketing Techniques business is making enough profit
instead of going out? Learning There are dozens of free and to hire employees.
to pay attention to and low-cost ways to market your
Investigate Non-Bank Funding
minimize spending will not only business. Learn them and
help you save cash to start the implement them before you
Yes, there's friends and family
business, it will also help you start spending money on paid
b u t t o d a y w e h a v e
keep business costs down once a d v e r t i s i n g . U s i n g f r e e
crowdfunding, local and national
you get the business going, promotional strategies at first
incubators, accelerators, and
too. will help you see if there is a
microfinancing. If you don't
market for your goods or
Work from Home know what these are, do some
services, and it will help you start
Renting office or retail space Googling and learn about them.
to understand what attracts
is expensive. It's something Look for communities of
customers so you don't make
you may want or need to do to investors in your area and tell
expensive mistakes once you are
grow the business in the others about your business.
ready to buy ads.
future, but when you're just There's plenty of funding that
doesn't involve banks and credit
starting out, look for ways to Do All the Work Yourself at
work from home. If you work First cards.
from home, the business Rely on your own sweat equity to Start Simple
won't need money for rent, start a business with no money. Your dream might include a
utilities, and office furniture. Expect long days and the need to pretty big business offering a
learn how to do things you
Conserve Your Cash haven't done before such as wide variety of products and
Yes, a faster computer might marketing, selling, accounting or services but for now, keep it
be nice. Or a new desk, a even building a website. You can simple. Sell a single product or
better camera, or an learn how to do some of these service. Build your customer
expensive software package tasks for free by searching the base and later branch out into
or cloud service. But make do web or YouTube for “How to…” other products and services.
with what you have and look followed by the skill you need One of the most expensive
for the lowest cost options help with. You can also find low- parts of running a business is
for anything you need to acquiring customers. If you gain
acquire until you start their trust with one product or
service now, selling something
bringing in paying customers.
else later is much easier.
If you search the web, you can
find free and low-cost
Work for Somebody Else
versions of many programs
Although they may not admit it,
Continue on pg 10
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