Page 13 - Keystone Summer 2018 Issue 1
P. 13

Somerset Antient Mark Masons(SAMS)

                                           then Provincial Grand Master for  His  Royal  Highness  Prince

                                           Somerset,  The  late  Right  Michael of Kent was present and
                                           Worshipful  Brother  David  enjoyed himself so much that he
                                           Palmer.                           agreed  to  be  photographed  with
                                                                             the team.
                                           We gave our first demonstration
                                           at Yatton to the George Norman
                                           Mark  Lodge  in  1995  and  since
                                           then we have given a number of
                                           performances  throughout  our
                                           own  Province,  and  also  in
                                           Devonshire,  Cornwall,  Dorset,
         Our ceremony, of making a Mark
                                           Wiltshire  Gloucestershire  and
         Man,  is  taken  verbatim  from   Herefordshire,  Warwickshire,
         ancient hand written manuscripts   Oxfordshire,  Monmouthshire,
         belonging  to  the  Royal         South  Wales,  Essex,  Kent,
         Cumberland Mark Lodge meeting     Surrey and Middlesex.
         at  Bath  since  Time  Immemorial.
         It  was  in  use  in  that  Lodge   We can rightly call ourselves the   Whilst the SAMM’s do not set out
         certainly  in  1795  and  probably   Somerset  Antient  Mark  Masons   to be a fund raising organization
         long  before  that.  There  was  a   International,  as  we  have   as such, in the event, a donation
         book  for  each  participating    presented  our  demonstration  in   is  usually  made  to  the  “Team”
         officer.  In  those  days  a  junior                                which  we,  in  due  course,
         officer  was  not  permitted  to  see
                                                                             distribute to charity. We have, to
         the book of a senior officer until                                  date, been able to distribute over
         he  was  appointed  to  that  office.                               £12,000 to a number of charities;
         The  Obligation  itself  was
                                                                             some  have  received  more  than
         apparently  contained  in  a                                        one donation. Of this sum £4030
         separate  sheet,  and  is  missing                                  was  given  to  the  Children’s
         from  the  manuscripts  in  our
                                                                             Hospice South West to assist in
                                                                             developing  the  new  facility  at
         However  there  is  a  complete                                     Wraxall North Somerset.
         version  of  an  Obligation  in
                                                                             We  make  no  charge  for
         another  hand  written  Royal                                       presenting  our  demonstration
         Cumberland       Mark     Lodge
                                                                             and  the  members  cover  all
         manuscript  set,  describing  a                                     expenses  themselves,  including
         ceremony drawn up in 1885; Just                                     travel,  overnight  stops  and  our
         prior  to  the  formation  of  Mark
         Grand  Lodge.  A  study  of  these
         two  ancient  manuscript  versions                                  This then is a little background of
         lead  us  to  suppose  that  the                                    the  Somerset  Antient  Mark
                                           Germany, Spain and Belgium.
         missing  early  Obligation  would                                   Masons.  Otherwise  known  as
         have  been  virtually  identical  to   We  were  requested  to  go  to  SAMM’s.
         the  surviving  version,  so  that  is   Carlisle  in  2006  as  part  of  the   If you would like to organise a
         the  one  we  use  with  a        celebration  of  50  years  in  Mark   demonstration then contact:
         reasonably  clear  conscience.  It   Masonry  of  the  Pro  Grand   W.Bro Barrie Baker email
         was in 1993, when the idea of a   Master  the  Most  Worshipful
         Somerset  Mark  Demonstration     Brother  Bro.  John  Hale.  The
         Team  was  first  mooted  by  the   Most  Worshipful  Grand  Master  Or phone him 01460 281553

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