Page 5 - Triangle Spring 2014 Issue 15
P. 5
Out of one Frying Pan into another!
Brethren, I am sure Companions of the Order wear a
that we are all now distinctive Triangular Apron.
aware that our PGM Unlike the usual named Lodge or
David will retire Chapter, Royal & Select Masters meet
before the next in ‘Councils’. The areas covered by this
Annual Meeting District, Somerset, Wiltshire & Bristol,
at the Webbington are in the main representative of the
Hotel on 3 May 2014. But did you know counties as they were in the early part of
that on 16 November 2013 he was Installed the 19 century apart from one Council
as The Right Illustrious Companion which meets in South Gloucestershire,
District Grand Master for the Order of which was formerly part of Avon.
Royal and Select Masters for the District David is a Member of the Premier of the in the Mark Degree, through its destruction
of Somerset and Wiltshire? West Council No. 7 meeting in Park Street to the building of the second Temple and
I caught up with him soon after & asked Bristol and also the Euston Council No. 4 in the discoveries made in the Royal Arch
a few questions about the degree, his London whose members wear a distinctive ceremony; hence the requirement for
explanation follows: jewel. For your interest, a brief history of membership of the Mark and Royal Arch
Royal and Select Masters, also known as the the order follows: Degrees.
Cryptic Degrees, is a relatively small Order Members of the Order are required to There is no requirement to have attained
in Freemasonry, but has steadily grown have been advanced into the Mark Degree the Chair of Craft, Mark or Royal Arch. On
over the last 10 years and is recognised for and also exalted as a Royal Arch Mason. being received into the Order, the Candidate
its wonderful ritual and historical lectures Cryptic in the sense of this Order refers will take part in some of the most beautiful
linking the Mark and Royal Arch; to the Crypt or Secret Vault rather than and mentally stimulating passages of ritual
to cryptology or extreme secrecy. to be found in Freemasonry. On attaining
The ceremonies are believed to have all the Degrees of the Order - Select Master,
evolved in the 19 Century, being in Royal Master, Most Excellent Master and
turn based on Jewish legends relating Super Excellent Master - the Candidate will
to King Solomon and the building of be enabled to wear the distinctive triangular
the Temple. apron and breast jewel of the Order.
Meeting of Councils are held under The photographs show the Most Illustrious
the authority of the Grand Council of Grand Master J. Alan Wright handing
the Order and are regulated locally over the Patent of Appointment to The
by District Grand Councils. The Right Illustrious Companion District
Ceremonies of the Order link the Grand Master David Brian Nelson.
building of King Solomon’s Temple, David Nelson was talking to Pat Morrisey
You could not make it up! Thank You
Picture the scene, a visiting Mark Golfing Lodge main road towards 3 people standing near two big Dear Lodge
had had a good day on the green at Weston-super- black cases, car door flung open & with the engine Secretaries, Masters
Mare & finished the happy event by holding a still running, the driver shot out scooped up the bags, & all of you who
Lodge Meeting in Weston Masonic Hall. made a quick noisy reverse & shot away again into have sent in photos
All went well & at the end of a pleasant Festive the night, leaving three startled faces showing in the & copy covering
Board all departed about 10.30pm. The Lodge rear view mirror. the various events
Secretary, who had parked in the Boulevard, puts Names withheld to protect the innocent! that occured in your
his regalia & secretary’s briefcase complete with Lodge. Without
Warrant on a nearby grass verge whilst he loaded your reports &
his passenger’s kit on board, then off home to bed. pictures, what
End of the journey, remembers the said cases are would I have had
still on the grassy knoll! to fill the pages
Panic, it will take ages to return to Weston, what to with over the last 6
do? A frantic telephone call to the Secretary of the months? Thank you
Host Lodge in Weston who at the time (that being for all your efforts ,
11.45pm) was in his pyjamas about to have an early keep sending them
night! “They won’t still be there” he cried! However in & I will do my
with a pair of jeans over his jim-jams a mighty dash best to publish your
to the Masonic Hall was called for. Good job there information.
were no police about, it must have looked very
strange, a wild-eyed half-dressed driver plus car Pat Morrisey
rushing out of the darkness & swooping across the Editor.