Page 8 - Triangle Spring 2010 Issue 7
P. 8

Grand Officers’ Mess  -  Grand Officers’ Mess  -  Grand Officers’ Mess

                                       The third Grand Officers’ Mess was held at
                                      Clevedon  Masonic  Hall  on  Tuesday  13
                                      October 2009. On arrival all were welcomed
                                      by  our  Provincial  Grand  Master  David
                                      Nelson together with his Deputy Ray Guthrie.
                                      This is an important occasion in the Masonic
                                     Calendar and it was good to see the room full
                                     of chatting and laughing brethren.
                                     As  usual,  the  random  seating  plan  invited
                                     diners to select a numbered ticket and find the
                                    same numbered seat amongst the round tables set
                                    out in the dining room. The lunch was to the usual
                                    very high standard we have all become accustomed
                                    to at Clevedon, and much appreciation was shown
                                   to Zena, Neil Hurcum and their team for the super
                                   Near  the  end  of  the  lunch,  David  Nelson  rose,
                                   welcomed the brethren present and proposed the Loyal
                                   Toast. He then invited topics for discussion and soon
                                  many voices were raised with questions asked and hopefully
        answered. One of the main items discussed was the new Somerset Mark web-site, (http://www. This site is up-dated weekly with news, photographs, forthcoming
        events and a section for Secretaries and Scribes to down-load the many forms and information
        required throughout the Masonic year. The date for the next Grand Officers Mess will appear on
        the future events page.

                    Fifty Years for Pat                         Twenty Five Years for Langdale

                               Last  October  at  St  Keyna   On the 15th December Langdale Lodge
                               Lodge, 1833 Peter Layzell our   1615 celebrated their 25th anniversary
                                Craft  Deputy  PGM  presented   and  were  honoured  with  a  visit  by
                                a 50 Year Veterans’ Certificate   the  Provincial  Grand  Master  and  his
                                to  Alan  Patrick  Parker.  Pat   team. They performed the ceremony of
                                was  born  in  1929,  attended   Advancement to perfection, a ceremony
                                the  Bristol  Grammar  School,   that neither the Advancee Richard Norris
                                eventually  leaving  to  take  up   nor the rest of the brethren will forget. At
           employment in the paper trade. He spent 25 years with the   the festive board 92 brethren - the most
           company before moving on to the Thompson Organisation   anybody can ever remember attending a
           and retired as a divisional controller at the age of 57. Pat has   Langdale meeting - sat down to a six course meal identical to the one
           been happily married for 50 years and has three children   eaten at the Consecration; there was also a cake to commemorate the
           and six grandchildren. He has attended St Martins Church,   occasion.
           Knowle, Bristol as a Sunday School Teacher, a server for 50   A memorable
           years and Church Warden. Pat was initiated into St. Keyna   evening to Mark
           Lodge, 1833 in 1959, becoming Master in 1970. He was a   an important
           member of the Board of Directors of Keynsham Masonic   milestone.
           Hall and was Treasurer for 17 years.             The picture shows
           Pat  holds  Grand  Rank  in  Mark  and  Royal  Ark  Mariner   our PGM David
           Degrees  where  he  was  Dep.PGM  for  five  years.  Those   Nelson with
           of us who have enjoyed our Masonry in the company of   Lodge Master
           this remarkable and nice man can vouch for his dedication   Ben Legg
           and even today he will pick-up the smallest mistake in the   and the cake!
           Ceremonies and have a quiet word with you afterwards!   …Peter Penfold
           In  Craft,  Pat  was  promoted  ProvAstGReg.  in  1976  and
           PPrJG.Warden in 1992. He has Grand Rank in Holy Royal   The Somerset Triangle Newsletter is produced for
           Arch, 30 Degrees in Rose Croix, PPrReg. in KT and is a
           member of the Royal Order of Scotland…Jim Ivory.     the Provincial Grand Lodge
                                                           of Mark Master Masons of Somerset.
          The editor Pat Morrisey would be pleased to receive articles, news and photographs for possible publication,
          please send to:-  “Ashcombe Lodge”, 3 Milton Road, Weston-super-Mare, N. Somerset BS23 2SA.
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