Page 12 - Purple Frog Adventures Book 1
P. 12
Jacob and Jared squealed with delight. “That had to have been
such a frightening sight!
What did you do? What did you say? Did you chase that big
purple frog away?”
She gave them a wink and looked in their eyes, “No I did not,
and that was a surprise!
I opened the window and with great care, carried him inside and
put him in my chair.”
Grandma Polly got up and started to walk. “I tell you boys that
frog started to talk!
When he thanked me for bringing him in from the weather, you
could have knocked me down with a feather!
But that is not all!” Grandma bent down, reached in the bag and
pulled out a tiny crown.
“When the rain and storm began to slow, he left this tiny gold
crown in his hast to go.”