Page 11 - Priorities #16 2001-February
P. 11

art, get refreshments, and so forth.
There are plenty of examples of multi-use facilities
like this that are well designed for performing arts-I would love to see the Priory move in this direction -I think it is a vision worth striving for.
You’ve mentioned musical theater a few times. Why?
Everything that our students are now getting from their drama and music performances, they would gain in greater proportion through musical theater because it is that much bigger an experience.
It draws in everything about the arts—dance, choreography, voice, orchestra, acting, community audience as well as parents and students. A good musical can bring a community together in much the same way sports sometimes do.
It was exciting to have our own students doing live, original music for our last show, even though it was a very small group and they were behind a screen. This is just a small beginning, but it shows where our students can go.
What plans are in the works?
Things have been improving yearly. We’re offering more classes and more performances in both music and theater. This reflects the strong support of the faculty and administration as well as many students and dedicated parent volunteers. The new visual arts building makes a huge positive difference for students. The administration has been planning how best to reorganize space on the campus and create better performing arts space. I’m not directly involved in the timeline or the financial considerations so I can’t comment on that. But I am involved in designing what we need in performing arts and I’m optimistic.
Priory now mounts six annual drama productions, including one for an all- middle school cast. “Imaginary Actors” was a medley of three vignettes ranging from classic French comedy to contemporary family themes.
But drama isn’t only about acting, especially at middle school. Students develop self-knowledge, self-confidence and organizational skills in class and in productions.

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