Page 13 - Priorities #16 2001-February
P. 13

Students with first-semester college stories to share are (from left) Joe Daly, now at UC San Diego; Michelle Ogren, University of Oregon; Marcello Centofanti, Santa Clara University; Adrianna Martin, Claremont McKenna College; Brittany Voelker, Chapman University; and Lindsay Matheu, University of Nevada, Reno.
Alumni News & Notes
Southern California Reunion
Alumni and friends are invited to join Father Martin Mager at Loyola Maryount University for an informal get-together in April. Father Martin will be attending WPS Alumna Nicola Hancock’s senior recital in music at the college. Email for details.
Acrackling fire and Father Martin’s familiar pizza made a warm welcome for alumni in the Classes of 1997-2000 attending the annual post-Christmas reunion in the Father Christopher Room. Some 36 students and a sprinkling of monks and staff gathered to share stories and generally have a good time.
Mums of Alums Reunite
Among the guests at the first annual reunion for mothers of graduates are Sandy McCarthy, Rosalia O’Grady, Josephine V. Lee, Pearlasia, and Gail Kimball.
Headmaster Tim Molak and grad Brian Labar, Stanislaus State University,catchup onnews.
Among those returning from far away are Eric Perret (standing), now at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York, and Jonathan Morgan (seated on the floor), St John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico . Alejandro Gomez, center, is at UC Santa Cruz.
See the group reunion photo and other individual photos online at http://www. Click on Online Community.
Single antique roses tied with silk ribbons were at each place setting to greet guests at the first annual Mums of Alums luncheon, held at the lovely Allied Arts tearoom in Menlo Park last October. Mothers of graduates from every decade shared tables and filled the room. Headmaster Tim Molak and Father Martin Mager, Director of Alumni Affairs, brought everyone up to date on Priory 2001.
“As our children are growing up, we become good friends with the other parents, and we don’t want to lose that connection. Our hope is that we all can get in touch again, at least once a year... One mother, whose child graduated two decades before mine, told me that she really enjoyed talking with younger moms,” commented Gail Kimball, Associate Director of Development. Gail organized the event and is also the “mum” of Alumna Julie Kimball, now at UCLA.

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