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Members of the Woodside Priory School Board of Trustees
*Pat Adams
*Nancy Appelblom
*Dick Blach
Scott Carey
Jeff Congdon
*Rev. Mark Cooper, O.S.B.
Les DeWitt
Fran Dempsey
Rick Ellinger
J. Michael Gullard
*Sharon Ladrech
*Rt. Rev. Matthew Levy, O.S.B. David Lewis
Kathie Maxfield
Sandra McCarthy
Bill McGlashan, Jr.
*Milbrey McLaughlin
Donald McMullen
R. Bruce Mosbacher
*Matt O’Rourke
Keith Patten
Art Schultz
William Stewart
Francesca Turbok
Joanne Vidinsky
Robert Ward
Patrick Yam
* New Members
Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees
Fran Turbok, Chair
Bruce Mosbacher, Chair Planning and Development Art Schultz, Chair
Student Life and Educational Policy
Sandra McCarthy, Chair Community Relations Pat Adams, Chair Trustee
Joanne Vidinsky, Chair
Parent-Student-Faculty Special Committees for the 1996-97 School Year
The Scheduling Committee is studying prob- lems and successes of the current block scheduling and will advise on implementing further schedul- ing changes.
The Technology Committee is providing planning and assistance in the educational use of computers.
The Chapel Addition Committee is working with architects in designing a chapel expansion for Fall 1997.
Many annual committees are managed by the Parents Association. Co-chairs this year are Nancy Appelblom and Sharon Ladrech.
Rev. Mark Cooper, O.S.B., and Abbot (Rt. Rev.) Mathew Levy, O.S.B. (seated), who both have extensive teaching and school administration experience, are new members of the Priory’s Board of Trustees. They are affiliated with St. Anselm, Woodside Priory’s parent Abbey in New Hampshire.
Editor: Carolyn Dobervich Design: Ennis Kirkland Design
Photos: Jim Kirkland, Fr. Martin Mager, Carolyn Dobervich, Lauren Dey (student). Contributors: Fr. William Sullivan, Dr. Frank Cody, Rebecca Van Dalsem, Deborah Whalen, Carolyn Dobervich
Priorities Magazine is published in September and March by Woodside Priory School for its alumni, parents, students, neighbors and friends. This issue was prepared entirely electronically.
Woodside Priory School 302 Portola Road Portola Valley, CA 94028 (415) 851-8221
fax (415) 851-2839
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