Page 12 - Priorities #14 2000-September
P. 12

Christopher and Liz Nelson Stephen and Barbara Neter David and Judy Noice James and Rosalie O’Grady Helen O’Hara
Miklos Oyler
Nels and Patricia Paine
Edward Perrin
Christopher Pieper
Portola Valley Hardware
Philip and Gwendolyn Potloff Mary Pottorff
Rosemary Rafferty
Dennis and Gwen Raney
Robert and Pat Reed
Anthony and Lesley Roberts-Mason Jedd and Leslie Roe
Leslie Ann Roe
Eugene and Annemarie Ronay George and Jeanne Ronay
Fredric Rosenberg and
Victoria Skinner Grant Rosenquist
Sales Boosters, Inc.
Sara and Phillip Salsbury
Doug and Kelly Sargent
Lawrence and Laura Saunders
Betty Schink
Peter Schink
Ronald and Lila Schmidt
Sara Schmidt
William and Ruth Schooler
Mark and Nancy Sheinbaum
Chad and Deborah Shirley
John and Laurie Snyder
Kurt and Birgit Stache
David and Allison Stastny
Strategic Alternatives
Georg and Kathy Straub
Sun Microsystems Foundation Emerson and La Verne Swan Julianna Szekely
Hiroko Takano
Mary Alice Thornton
Dr. and Mrs. Frances J. Titterton
Paul and Heather Titterton
Raymond and Beverly Tong
Robert Trask
Tyson Trish
Lee and Donna Tucker
Todd Turner
UDV North America Foundation, Inc. Daniel and Dorothy Vago
Betty Van Wagenen
Imre and Mary Ann Varga
Alan and Joanne Vidinsky
Charles and Elaine Visconti
Dennis and Cathy Voelker
Ronan Wagner
Stephen and Rebecca Welch
Richard and Victoria West
Richard and Teresa West Elaine Willman
George Willman Melinda Wilson
George and Laurie Witter Simon Wong
Edward and Obdulia Wood Woodside Bakery, Inc.
Jose Zertuche Trevino Darren Zulberti
Board of Trustees
One hundred percent of trustees contributed. Thank you!
Patricia Adams Elizabeth Cirino Wayne Davison Al Ebneter Eugene Flath
J. Michael Gullard Anne Hannigan George Huertas Katherine Maxfield Sandra McCarthy R. Bruce Mosbacher Matthew O’Rourke Ray Rothrock Andy Schilling
Art Schultz, Chair
Robert Ward
Donna Wengert-Neff Woodside Priory Monastic
Community, Represented by Fr. Pius Horvath, OSB
Faculty and Staff
One hundred percent of faculty and staff contributed. Thank you!
Anonymous (8)
Douglas and Barbara Ayer Joshua Bookin
Thomas Carter
Mark and Carolyn Dobervich Francis and Marcia Dubreuil James Durgin
Cayewah Easley
Reed Easley
Barbara Falk
Jennifer Gire
David and Susan Hafleigh David and Sharon Hall
Brian and Kimberly Heffernan Jan Hepper
Christopher and Stephanie Hill Kathy Immel
Jim Sulat and Susan Keyes Gail Kimball
Leonard and Suzanne Koppett
Stephen and Janet Kornberg
Louis and Klara Kovacs
Jim Lawhon and Margaret Wynne Dean Leh
Steven and Joanna Marsheck Kimberly Mason
Martin Mayer
Douglas and Merrilyn Mecham Tim and Catherine Molak
Joseph and Lindsay Montero
Joel Murillo
John and Nancy Newman
David and Judy Noice
Brian Ogden
Helen O’Hara
Philip and Gwendolyn Potloff
John and Cheryl Provost
Robert and Patricia Reed
Peter and Elizabeth Reinhardt Anthony and Lesley Roberts-Mason Doug and Sarah Sargent
Russell Shaw and Shira Stutman Marilyn Spears
Mark and Natasha Stogner
John and Marianne Stoner
Georg and Kathy Straub
Julianna Szekely
Hiroko Takano
Barton and Holly Thompson
Todd Turner
Betty Van Wagenen
Damian Ward
Thomas Webb
Albert and Margaret Zappelli
Ninety-six percent of parents contributed. Thank you!
Anonymous (11)
J. Ric and Bengta Aboud
Dalal Al-Sulaiman
Elie and Yael Alcheck
Daniel Alegria and Mary Hufty Nancy Alpay
Stewart Alsop
John and Bette Anderson
John and Linda Andreini
James and Loren Archer Michael and Evann Aronoff Ramiro and Josefina Arredondo Sami and Dalal Attar
Wallace Austin
Ronald B. Autrand
John and Linda Bader
Joseph and Jane Barbeau Servando and Maria Barriga Douglas Basegio
Sylvia Basegio
Sven and Carola Behrendt Leigh and Deborah Belden

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