Page 14 - Priorities #14 2000-September
P. 14

The generosity of our community permits us to enhance the educational experience we offer our students. Every contribution of time or money is appreciated.
Doug Ayer
Director of Development
Andrew Verhalen and Janet Brownstone
Anthony and Caroline Vertongen Dennis and Cathy Voelker Robert and Jane Walker
Robert and Ramsay Waterman Ralph Waylonis and Carol Triest Marvin and Beth-Ann Wenger Matthew and Marcia Wesley David N. White
Allan and Heidi Will
Melinda Wilson
Scott and Shirley Wilson
William Wittmeyer and Maggie Tham James Wong and Magdalena Romero Mark and Camille Yost
Alejandro and Leah Zaffaroni Shaye Zahedi
Parents Annual Fund Team
Carol Duncan Jeff Gundell
Team Captains 6th Grade
Nicole Patton
7th Grade
Nancy Mancini
8th Grade
Donna Little
9th Grade
Allen Epstein Dave Paulus
10th Grade
Debra Simons
11th Grade
Nancy Bohley
12th Grade
Shirley Wilson
Bingta Baker-Aboud Margie Bell
Susan Bradford Sandy Carse Richard Cauley Joan Centofanti
Bill Coats
Elaine Costello-Dougherty
Laurel Crittenden Valerie Duecker Sarah Halsey Judith Horton Mimi Iversen Barbara Jones Kip Kado
Ellen King
Sandra McCarthy Sheila Melen
Ria Moroyan Pearlasia
Mary Ann Perret Renee Rankin Margot Rawlins Cindy Schultz Leonora F. Sea
Rich Seiler
Steve Simons
Terri Tiffany
Donna Wengert-Neff Heidi Will
Anonymous (2)
Ronald and Joyce Bell
Paul and Marcia Cook
Patricia Costello
Leah Coulter
Frederic and Marie France de Sibert Clayton and Carol Del Secco
Jack and Marion Euphrat
Suzanne Eyre
Walter and Helen Fromm
William and Rosemary Hewlett Stanley and Carolyn Hiller
Mr. and Mrs. Page Hufty
Helen Hurlbut
William and Frances Jackson
Al and Jeanne Kirkland
David and Lindsay Morgenthaler Oscar and Janice Pieper
Glen and Lorraine Roberts
John Schwabacher
John and Millie Urbain
Alumni Parents
Anonymous (12)
Henry and Patricia Adams Thomas and Susan Alexander Stewart Alsop
Paul and Nancy Appelblom Ramiro and Josephina Arredondo James and Marna Arnold
Wallace Austin
Douglas Basegio
Sylvia Basegio
Barry and Kay Blocker
Edwin and Catherine Boldrey John and Margaret Bower
Gisela Brugger
John and Kathy Buchanan
John and Caroline Bulkeley Tae-Keun and Hyun-Soon Byun Callie Cain
Mark and Renate Campbell
Jeffrey and Katherine Congdon Louisa Cooper
Peter and Susan Corning
David and Janice de Carion Frederic and Marie France de Sibert Linda Davis
Robert and Joan Desky
Thomas and Judith DeSzily
Frank and Mary Draeger
Valerie Duecker
Jan Euphrat-Hepper
Roy and Eleanor Ferrari
Owen and Mary Ann Fiore Katherine Gaspar
Pete and Billie Hammond
David and Susan Hancock
Anne and John Hannigan
Edmund and Patricia Hannum Bruce and Barbara Hansen
Robert and Carolan Hass
Tom and Helen Hennig
Tuan and Mysi Hoang
Mahlon and Carol Hubenthal William Hurlbut
Kathy Immel
Peter Kasenchak
Gail Kimball
James and Vicki Kirkland
Robert and Deborah Kotchian Louis and Klara Kovacs
Coralia Kuchins
David and Zeneida Lando
Jorge and Reina Larreynaga Michael and Cynthia Leahy Josephine V. Lee
David and Linda Lewis
Andre and Edna Lhuillier
Thomas and Sandra McCarthy John and Nancy McCrady
Elden and Bessie McEachern
John and Joan McGraw
Frank and Adele McPartland Douglas and Merrilyn Mecham Hank and Gigi Morgan
John and Eileen Morrissey
John and Nancy Newman
James and Rosalie O’Grady
Matt and Betty O’Rourke
Ralph and Barbara Oswald
Robert and Francesca Pacheco Ward and Mary Paine
Oscar and Janice Pieper
Mary Pottorff
Dennis and Gwen Raney
Eugene and Annemarie Ronay

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