Page 4 - 2019 Priory Yearbook
P. 4

      Like its country of residence, Priory is a cultural mosaic. Different people, different homes, different visions. It’s these differences that drive us to seek out a place in which we fit comfortably, a place where we feel we belong.
It’s these differences that, in a place filled with those dissimilar to ourselves, drives us to ostracize things and people that we feel we have nothing to do with. It’s going to a school like priory that has made me realize that, in truth, we have as much in common as we do differences.
Many people call America a cultural mosaic, but perhaps we are all mosaics ourselves. Full of hundreds of things that make us individuals, hundreds of colors that we use to paint the world in billions of different ways. Priory encourages us to paint outside of the lines, to use our own unique collection of vividness to doodle instead of trace, to create instead of construct according to a certain set of rules.
No matter what we go on to create, we will always carry with us our Priory blue.
-- Written by Kayla Martinez

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