Page 4 - 2015 Yearbook
P. 4

1. Ashley Ishibashi (12) paints war paint on Brooks Royals (11). 2. The senior class huddles to commence their last spirit day. 3. Tyler Woods (12) goes all out for Homecoming. 4. The boys basketball team wins CCS! 5. Elizabeth Boyle (12) swims butterfly. 6. The freshman go on retreat on Priory's infamous hill. 7. The senior girls recover after the Powder Puff game. 8. Samuel Ogunleye (12) shows his artistic talent. 9. Andy Isokpehi (12) dunks and the priory crowd goes wild.
we interrupt
WE INTERRUPT THIS BROADCAST to bring you the 2015 year in review. We are a generation constantly connected, engaged and enthralled with promoting ourselves to everyone in the world. In our free time we create YouTube videos, Snapchat, or make Instagram posts showing off our best “selfies.”Our generation is obsessed with broadcasting ourselves.We Interrupt This Broadcastisabookfilled with images that capture spontaneous moments of our community that are unfiltered, unscripted and are to be preserved into the memories of all members of the Priory. It is not about the individual, it's about the whole. Priory is a place where everyone is encouraged to follow their hearts and leave convention by the wayside. Priory, simply put, is filled with interruptions. In chemistry, Mr. Tang will stop his lab to pontificate about the attributes of Canada. Mr. Clark will interrupt his APES class to have students tend to his garden and give an impromptu, somewhat relevant, lecture. Mr. Riehboff can incorporate the topic of surfing into
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