Page 28 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 28

In September of this school year, the Priory community suffered a terrible loss as our beloved Julianna Szekely passed away. During her 30+ years spent in the Priory community, Julianna had a significant impact on many students, alums, faculty and staff members with her caring heart and infectious smile.
Maria Garcia, Nate Spears, and Peter Ling -- Julianna’s fellow colleagues in the Priory kitchen-- describe Julianna as a “free-spirited, loving, and wonderful person.” Peter Ling emphasized that “working with her was a beautiful, joyful, and unforgettable experience.”
Father Maurus, Father Pius and Julianna hang out in Church square. It was Father Maurus who suggested Julianna apply for a position in the Priory kitchen, a place that immediately felt like home to her. Having spent more than 30 years dedicated to the community, Julianna developed a close bond with the monks and enjoyed spending time with them.
When asked about Julianna’s impact on them, many students such as Lala Niu (10) pointed out how “her contagious smile often made [their] days” and that “she brought so much positivity to the kitchen and the community as a whole.” To dormers like Alondra Manriquez(12), Julianna’s smile was often a “source of energy that pushed them through the day” and the small chats with her every night at dinner were always “calming and motivating”.
To the Head of the kitchen Peter Agoston, Julianna was “a loyal friend, dedicated colleague, and a loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother, that can never be replaced.” He believes that Julianna was “our mother, our foundation and someone who cared so much about the community.” She will be sorely missed.
By Leyan Zhai, Nonso Elelleh, and Vivian Chuang

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