Page 29 - 2018 Yearbook
P. 29

You truly saw the good in everyone and made a point of being friendly and open to everyone on campus. That light and kindness will be sorely missed, and will leave a gaping hole in the Priory community.
You cheered me up every single day, and made me a happier girl. The impact you have had on my life is deep. No one could ever tell me anyone is better than the Oregon Ducks and or Chelsea, cause you had an argument to back up why those were the best teams, and your favorite teams.
I’ll miss talking about sports and this year’s basketball season, the small things that stress me out each day, and the things I have to look forward to each day. Your encouragement, kindness, generosity, and truth will be missed.
No one will ever be able to take your spot at the Priory as you hold a special place in all of our hearts.
Every game I play from now, you will be part of the fire in my heart.
You called
everyone else champ, but you were the only true champion.
By Leyan Zhai and the students of Priory
You taught me so much and I will forever be thankful. I will always remember the various life lessons you have taught me. You were such an incredible person. You were a friend, a teacher, a mentor, and an inspiration to me.
Your spirit and your purpose was one in a billion and will live forever. Rest easy champ. Sit back and watch the change you’ve inspired in so many; I am so thankful to have known you.

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